MovieChat Forums > City of Vice (2008) Discussion > Is It The Same For Anyone Else?

Is It The Same For Anyone Else?

I record this on my Sky+, sit down to watch it then just cant get into it over the first 5-10 mins and then by around 20 mins in im hooked and its got me totally gripped. I find I go through the same process for every episode, but im so glad I stuck with it. I was going to switch off after the first 10 mins of the first episode (like a few people I know did) but I love this series now. Just wondered if anyone else finds it hard to get into the first 10 mins or so but is then is totally gripped by 20 mins?

I am silver and exact. I have no preconceptions. Whatever I see, I swallow immediately. Just as it is, unmisted by love or dislike I am not cruel, only truthful – The eye of a little god, four-cornered. - Sylvia Plath


I think some people might have found it hard to get into because it felt a lot like a dramatised documentary. In fact, at the beginning of the first episode that's what I thought it was. But as the programme unfolded it became a really quite gripping drama with some great central characters. The show was also very historically accurate (making a refreshing change!) and provided a lot of very interesting historical fact.

I can understand why some viewers might have found this show hard to engage with, but hopefully many more enjoyed it as much as I did and hope for a second series.

Dear Buddha, please send me a pony and a plastic rocket.


Is there any word on a second series? I would love there to be! If only learning about histroy was as fun as watching it unfold!

I am silver and exact. I have no preconceptions. Whatever I see, I swallow immediately. Just as it is, unmisted by love or dislike I am not cruel, only truthful – The eye of a little god, four-cornered. - Sylvia Plath
