You'd think everyone would know who Robin/Batman are by now...
So many scenes where they speak of their identities and so many people know who Dick Grayson is now... Shouldn't even be hard to figure out Jason Todd and Bruce Wayne. It's a wonder how they are even able to keep their identities a secret anymore when they freely and openly speak out about themselves when they meet and greet the baddies be it sometimes in public. In the comics it's different from what I could remember and Robin doesn't go mouthing off he's Robin or being in situations where they figure he's Robin or whatnot. Batman must be rolling in his bat cave. It's like Batman picked up a bunch of millennial losers to be his sidekick and they both turned out to be violent thug wannabes with an adrenaline rush to kick.
There was even a scene that made me cringe in episode 7 when they caught Gar and Rachel where they said if you do anything, we'll kill them and then Kory goes 'meh' and prepares to burn them like the bimbo she is only to be held back by Dick because of the flammable pipes.