Dc cares about fan unlike marvel who hates their fans lol
then how do you explain WB decision to END the DCEU....Fire Snyder, Reboot, Recast and go in a completely new direction ?
I mean according to you and the Small Minority that think like you....
The "fans" love Snyder's DCEU films....
According to you guys, everyone in the world is Biased and Paid off, 4 out of the 5 DCEU films arent REALLY Bad.....everyone except the "True Fans" are just too stupid to understand them...
You guys claim that You Love Snyder because He is a True Hardcore fan and doesnt care what anyone thinks and Makes the DCEU films for The "Fans"....
If thats the case, how do you explain WB firing The "fan" friendly director?
how do you explain WB forcing Snyder to Make changes in Post Production of BOTH BvS and JL....
How do you explain WB Hiring James Gunn to Reboot Suicide Squad 2....I mean Suicide Squad 1 was what You "Fans" wanted....It was made with snyder's dark,depressing and colorless tone....Why would WB completely change course and REBOOT the series and take away what you "fans" liked...
You and your small Cult of DCEU/Snyder "fans" are extremely passionate that Affleck and Cavil are the best B+S ever....Yet WB canned them both....
Rumor has it, WB and Affleck had talks about him playing a tiny role in Reeves Batman movies, The movie would be Affleck telling a story of his younger days and he'll have a tiny 2 minutes cameo at the end.....But Reeves refused, He is demanding to recast.....and WB said OK....why would WB do this to the "fans"..
and finally, the DCEU is officially DEAD, It lasted 5 films....going forward all future films are just going to be "DC films".
and NOW WB is taking 4 of those DCEU films away from you "Fans" ,WB is erasing Snyders 4 DCEU films from existence....WW84 is being delayed to add the Flashpoint storyline so WW can reset the timeline and erase Snyders canon from existence.....
Why would WB torture you "fans" like this.....I mean Its bbad enough WB has Recast,Rebooted and changed everything Snyder did and everything you "fans" love...
but Now they wont even give you guys any happiness?
I mean in the next decade while your watching Batman,Superman,Suicide Squad reboots and elseworld movies, I'm sure you guys would have Popped in Snyder's DCEU films and thought back to The "Good Times", It could have brought you some much need joy.relief in a time of PURE HELL....but now, You'll never be able to watch them again without being devastated knowing WB Erased them from existence...
just imagine sitting there watching BvS in 3 years and Knowing WW went back in time and altered the timeline and BvS never actually took place.....lol talk about Shitting on a FaN BASE
Why would WB do this to you "Fans"
It seemed to be theres only 2 possible options....
either WB Hates "DC fans" and are intentionally making every possible decision to make their lives hell
Or WB simply doesnt care 1 bit about DC fans, ONLY money and are making decisions to have better success in the future, and those decisions of course are to cut out every piece of the cancerous Snyderverse and start over.......