There's a lot of fan-come-latelies apparently who's entire knowledge of Hercules on film is related to Kevin Sorbo or a Disney cartoon. They need to go back and see the dozens of Italian Hercules films and knock offs with bad dubbing, bad wigs, plastic rocks and no plot that spilled into theaters and TV during the 60s. It didn't matter if the hero was named Hercules, Sampson, Goliath, Colossus, Kindar, Ursus or Sandokan the Great, fans ate them up because it was all they had. They were appreciative of bad Hercules because bad Hercules was better than no Hercules and did not prevent better Hercules from coming along. Okay, nothing better ever did come along, Hercules pretty much peaked with Steve Reeves in the late 50s and "The Mighty Hercules" cartoon series from the early 60s. But did fans trash talk Mark Forest or Kirk Morris? Did they expect thespian skill from Reg Park or Ed Fury? Hell no, they would have been offended if anything that looked like acting existed. And what's all this chatter about not being true to the source. Alan Steel (aka Sergio Ciani) shudders in his grave with such chatter for what would Hercules film lore be without the possibility of Incan treasure or moon men. Sword and Sandal fans would be thrown a couple acid-trips starring Lou Ferrigno. And that was it. But they didn't complain like the whiners here. They appreciated it because it was Los Ferrigno...the Hulk man. Movie Hercules by its very nature is bad Hercules. That's the way a Hercules film is meant to be. Unless it stars The Three Stooges which might be the best Hercules film ever made. Otherwise, don't mess with tradition. And if you can't deal with that, if you can't enjoy it for what it is, then you have no business being a Hercules fan. Go back to your Xena and BeastMaster VHS tapes. Otherwise, enjoy the new Hercules. And hope that The Rock's version this summer is even less suckier.