Worst mainstream film of 2014 - Left Behind vs The Legend of Hercules
Which has worse acting?
Which has worse plot premise?
Which has worse dialogue?
Which is more nonsensical to follow?
Which has worse visuals?
Which is more insulting to viewers?
My votes:
The acting was worse in The Legend of Hercules, it was a joke. Left Behind actually had some decent acting in it, inappropriately put in some ridiculous scenes.
Plot premise is way worse in Left Behind, I cannot believe the mixture of boring, depressing and insensitive. Legend of Hercules has a classical premise of an action film.
Worse dialogue is a tie. There are some cringe-worthy lines in both of them.
More nonsensical to follow in definitely Left Behind. It is numbing trying to give any logic whatsoever to what happened and react to that. The other one has generic, yet passable story arc.
Hands down, worse visuals go to The Legend of Hercules. Costumes, sets and make-up look worse than in cheap high school theater play and CGI is a video-game level. Left Behind, while not really great itself, is somewhat satisfactory in visual departments.
Both are incredibly insulting to viewers. What is worse, your religious stance being ridiculed and not even in a deliberate parody way, or having one of the most famous legends being mangled before your eyes. I don't know weather I was more annoyed that Lea Thompson's character went to heaven and some passengers didn't or when Hera asks the Queen to sleep with Zeus. It's a tie.