Darnell Martin IS WRONG
I liked this movie. I thought there should be Oscar buzz for both Jeffery Wright and Mos Def.
Anytime Mos Def is in a movie, you know it's going to be a GREAT movie. I urge readers to go to the Mos Def page, find out what movies he has acted in and rent them all!!! You won't be disappointed. I was elated that he played Chuck Berry!!! Mos Def nailed Chuck Berry. Mos Def is so deserving of an Oscar. It's about time the Academy open their eyes and gave this great actor his award... He is tremendous!!
Ok. I am not happy with Darnell Martin.. I am NOT HAPPY at all with what she said in the special features section of the DVD.
Ms. Martin YOU ARE A COMPLETE FOOL! I HAVE NEVER HEARD SUCH CRAP FROM ANY WRITER/DIRECTOR IN MY LIFE!!!! Darnell Martin made it clear in Cadillac Records by Design, that people did not recognize Muddy Waters, Howlin' Wolf, Little Walter or any of the fantastic artists in that movie! She made it seem like the white community did not know who those great artists were!!!
That is Bullsh!t!!! The white community always has been very aware of all these great artists!!! In fact, these artists are so important to music that mostly ALL ethnic groups know EXACTLY who they were and they continue to influence today!
Yes... It is true that the Stones, Elvis Presley and many others did covers of the original works. It is true that Elvis Presley was dubbed the King of Rock and Roll... Yet it is true that Otis Redding is the King of Soul, Aretha Franklin is the Queen of Soul, and Michael Jackson is the King of Pop.. It is really starting to piss me off that people of any race assume that the majority of people do not recognize them.
I like the way the story was told in the movie. It was told from the perspective of that time in history, but I have always been a Muddy Waters fan since I was a little girl. I have always known the Etta James story and dearly loved her since I can remember. I feel the same about Howlin' Wolf, Little Walter and the rest.
I am also quite pissed off with Beyonce. I thought this was one of her better roles and congratulate her for being someone other than herself very successfully... You did a good job in the movie. BUT YOU PLACE WAY TO MUCH NEGATIVE INFLUENCE ON ELVIS PRESLEY WHEN YOU SAY.. IT'S NOT ELVIS WHO IS THE KING... IT'S THE BLACK ARTISTS THAT ARE. EVERY ONE OF THOSE EARLY ARTISTS HAVE A PLACE IN THE HISTORY OF ROCK AND ROLL!
I said I liked this movie and I did. However, this movie doesn't tell a complete story of Chess and all the incredible talent that came from there. It doesn't tell the real story of Rock N Roll.. It tells Darnell Martin's version of the story. The real story of Rock N Roll includes a vast amount of talented people, songwriters, arrangers, what happened at Chess, in Motown, and in Memphis at that time.
You guys need to stop putting yourselves in the backseat. We know exactly who these great black artists are.... I cannot believe you make such A$$es of yourselves with these narrow view points.
I am an Elvis fan, but to me, Elvis was a singer. He was not as great as Muddy or Etta..but that is ME. You have to be more open and allow people to love who they love.. Elvis has GREAT fans as does Chuck Berry and everyone else...Beyonce, you yourself did a cover of AT LAST and sang it at Obama's Inaugeral! Maybe Etta James should have been asked to sing that song at the Inaugeral but it was YOU who did that!
Please learn from what I have written here and stop playing the race game. It doesn't work and only makes YOUseem racist!