MovieChat Forums > Cadillac Records (2008) Discussion > The only review that matters - must read...

The only review that matters - must read material.

Saw this on a guitar website, I couldnt have said it better myself.

The downfall of this movie is the writer (a woman, strangely enough) who took too many liberties. For example, Leonard and his brother Phil started Chess together, yet there is no mention of Phil whatsoever. Chuck Berry made the trip to Chicago to see Muddy play, and stuck around after the show to strike up a conversation with him. Muddy asked to hear his tunes, saw the merit in Chuck and his music, and took him to meet the Chess brothers. Leonard did not produce most of the records, he was more the business man. Also, the Etta James thing... first off, she was never THat big of a star, she had 2 hits that I know of and they werent that big of a deal. In fact, in all the history of Chess Records, she rarely merits a footnote. Second, she did not save the company, third, there has never been any mention of or even hearsay that she had an affair with Chess or that Minnesota Fats was her father. Im sure it was all written as a vehicle for current media whore Beyonce Knowles to shine in, which she did.

Actually, her part could easily be called "Dreamgirls 2" except the music is better and we dont have to put up with Eddie Murphy doing a weak Marvin Gaye. She was OK, but the guy that plays Muddy, he's the real star of the movie. Great job, on par with Foxx's take on Ray Charles. The Little Walter character works well, and I was shocked at the rapper doing Chuck Berry - I figured a rapper, a life choice I consider one step above child molesting, would never understand the impact or importance of the architect of all things rock-n-roll - but he does nail Chuck's mannerisms and personality. If you have never seen the bio/documentary of Chuck from '87 called "Hail Hail Rock'n'Roll" - get to it. the behind the scene's DVDs' are priceless.... he's a real *beep* but who can blame him considering some of things done to him over his career.

Like most music movies, the timeline is off kilter. I felt like this movie did justice to Muddy and Little Walter, and should have stayed focused on Muddy till the end of his life. Howlin Wolf and Hubert Sumlin and the dynamic between Wolf and Muddy was just hinted at, unfortunately. What I did not appreciate though, is the lack of focus on Willie Dixon - the true genius behind Chess Records. Dixon was a phenomenal songwriter, able to write for other people in their style and personality. He was also a great producer and knew how to arrange for the times, musicians and studio he had to work with. Chuck Berry.... maybe someday they will make a movie that tells the true stories of Charles Berryn (his real name) - it's the big bang of rock'n'roll - part bluesman at the crossroads, part mann act, part witchhunt and part god complex on nitro, mixed with the musical and lyrical genius only rivaled by Hank Williams and John Fogerty.

Muddy, Wolf, Dixon and Berry - all could be the subject of and deserve a movie unto themselves. Cadillac Records is to them what Van Helsing was to monster movies - you get a taste of all of them, but not enough of satisfy. (and god knows we need a LOT more Kate Beckinsale in gypsy clothes... mama mia..)



Also, when one (male or female) reviews a movie/play TV show, one should take the time to find out the actors' names, not simply "the guy who plays..."


The reviewer is wrong about some things. Etta James was never a big crossover artist but she's more than a "footnote" as this guy says. She was a huge R&B star with more than a couple of hits. While she was with the label she placed ten records in the Top 10 of the Billboard R&B chart. The two biggest, "All I Could Do Was Cry" and "At Last" both peaked at #2 on the R&B chart and were featured in the film.

Second.. in Etta's autobiography she discusses the Minnesota Fats story. She implies it was RUMORED he was her father but she never confirms it. The film portrays it as fact. So the reviewer is wrong that there's never been any mention about Minnesota Fats being her father.

The reviewer should stick to playing the guitar or discussing guitarists and not music history he obviously knows little about.

Last films seen....Revolutionary Road - 9/10, Valkyrie - 8/10, Gran Torino - 9/10


mos def is more than a rapper.

and i would love to see a whole movie based on chuck berrys life.


*Ummm, Berry was his real name Berryn is from a concert poster early in his career, chuck didn't want to have his father upset with him so he use to perform under a different name.

*Phil is included in the dvd deleted scenes

*This post wasn't just to correct you though, I like this film but they did leave a lot out, took WAY WAY too many liberties, in fact the only story they really got right oddly enough WAS Chuck.

Check out my Myspace:


Ok, I am not a big Rap fan, but Mos Def is a talented guy and did a great job in this movie. However the original poster is right about a few things. The timeline was MESSED up. Chuck berry went to jail four years before "Surfin' USA" came out. That was but one example in an amazingly butchered timeline. Phil was an important part (obviously) of the Chess story and all he gets here is on tiny part in a deleted scene. Willie Dixon was far mire important to Chess than shown in this film. Lastly-where was Bo Diddley??? Bo gets the shaft again ....


"I figured a rapper, a life choice I consider one step above child molesting,"

Stopped reading right there.
Who ever wrote this "review" is ignorant.
Obviously a butt hurt failed musician who is bitter that a bunch of folks he sees as lower than him are making millions in the business.
Seriously, comparing the lifestyle of a rapper to a child molester is pretty much the dumbest thing I have ever read here, here at IMDB, where idiocy is championed (and there are thousands of rappers...many with completely different lifestyles, beliefs, and contributions to various styles of music...but lets lump all of the together).

Now you can hate rap all you want, but making such ignorant comparisons is the type of BS that gets kids like the West Memphis 3 locked up for life on murder charges that they did not commit based solely on the fact that they like metal and have long they MUST worship satan and therefore be guilty.

Another many rappers do you think the author of this review would have the balls to say this to face to face?
None.....another keyboard warrior.

Are you a bug Bill Murray?


THIS is the only review that matters? Why do I find that hard to believe, OP?

"The road to hell is paved with adverbs."
Stephen King


First, that's a bit too drastic, don't you think? Secondly, if you've ever actually listened to anything by Mos Def, he doesn't fall into the same category as the rappers I am sure you are thinking of that have left a bad taste in your mouth. He is not that type of rapper. His music is more uplifting, for one. He doesn't brag about his 'bling' or call women 'bitches', etc, even with Talib Kweli in Blackstar, they are rapping with soul.
Of course, I love hip-hop music -- except anything with 'Lil Wayne's voice, that makes my ears bleed, attached. He has no lyrical ability, just throws words together, like someone telling the punchline of the joke, but no build up to it. But I digress on that, I'd be here for days. (he's about as overhyped as Beyonce)
