I just watched it again on dvd
This era is one of my main interest, the blues/r&b era so i was excited to see it in the theaters, and recently bought it on DVD. while i liked it when i first saw upon second viewing i realized how poorley it was done. It sarts of amazing, on par with Ray or Walk The Line, but as soon as Etta James shows up the historical time line goes to crap, and the film becomes fictional fluff. I mean they mention The Beach Boys & The Stones, and then like 10 minutes later they mention Elvis going in the army. Um, Elvis was inducted in 1958, The Beach Boys started in the early '60s and hell the Stones didn't come to America till about 63/64 while Elvis was back and making those beach movies. I felt like the writer got her info of wikepedia andwrote the script in a rush without bothering to do any real research. I hope that the other film thats coming soon about the same story "Who Do You Love" will be better, at least it will have Bo in it..
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