Not One Oscar Nomination!

Oscars noms were released today.

Cadillac Records was nowhere in sight.
No Beyonce on best actress or best original song list -- or should I say no Scott McFarnon for the latter.

I love the song, but given the writing controversy and the potential of the singer getting credit for something she didn't write, I'm pleased that it was overlooked. Too bad for Scott though.

And Bey for best actress should never have been considered anyway.
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I really think Wright deserved an Oscar nod for his portrayal of Muddy Waters.


I really think Wright deserved an Oscar nod for his portrayal of Muddy Waters.

Agreed!!! He's the only one that made this film bearable, such a wonderful, underrated actor.

artificial intelligence is no match for natural stupidity


Agreed!!! He's the only one that made this film bearable, such a wonderful, underrated actor.


I totally agree that Wright is who made this bearable. Everybody on this movie board is raving about Columbus Short so much, he was good, but he wasn't the strength of this movie. Jeffrey Wright was. And it was flowing pretty well, until Beyonce's scenes started. Her singing was good, but her acting was bad as always. This movie was not Oscar caliber, and I don't understand the people who can't seem to get that. And to the poster who compared this to "Ray"......PLEEEEEEEEEEEEz!! Jamie Foxx "BECAME" Ray Charles in every way. Performances win Oscars, movies don't. And "Dreamgirls" wasn't that great either, so I'm glad they got it right this time.

And for anybody who thinks Beyonce deserves Meryl Streep, or Kate Winslet, or check out Amy Adams in "Doubt" or Angelina Jolie in "Changeling". Then you will "CLEARLY" see why it will be a "LONG" time before Beyonce wins anything for her acting, if she ever will. She needs to quit Oscar begging, and throw herself into it for the "love of the craft" like "real" actors do. Get some real passion for acting, and the role she is trying to play. That's why she doesn't GET IT.



I think Columbus Short was underrated he was AMAZING in the film and he got no love for it.

I wanna be someone's brand of heroin!


The only nomination I would give it is Columbus Short for Best Supporting Actor. There was little to no effort in promoting so I'm sure the producers didn't push it for Oscar nominations either.

Last films seen....Revolutionary Road - 9/10, Valkyrie - 8/10, Gran Torino - 9/10



agreed. this movie didn't deserve any oscar nominations. it wasn't a bad movie. but it definitely wasn't a great one. Mos Def was nice, Wright, and Short were both good. Beyonce was bad and the lip-synched songs didn't line up at all. Brody is always believable and was here too, just a touch heavy handed. It scratched the surface of a lot more material that could've been oscar-level stuff than this actually was.


This movie was no different then Ray or What's Love Got To Do With It or Dreamgirls. . . ALL NOMINATED IN SOMETHING

Columbus Short, who won an Image Award for Best Supporting Actor, should have been at least considered even nominated for best supporting Actor, over Robert D. Junior for Tropic Thunder. COME ON!!!

I didn't even know it was him at first


^^^I agree. I do agree.


I also agree with that. Even if the movie's script was flawed; the acting wasn't. I most definitely feel that Jeffrey Wright was robbed of a nomination because he was outstanding. And I think Columbus could've been nominated also, because even people I know had no idea that was him, even though they loved Stomp the Yard and This Christmas.

Lack of advertising, no film festivals, and I think all the talk about Beyonce getting that Oscar nod is what partially killed it too. Everybody knows that she would like to win an Oscar, so everytime she's in a dramatic role, we're going to hear that this is finally THE ONE. Which I think is crazy, because nobody says that everytime an up and coming actor has a new dramatic film out. Some of the actors that were nominated were in some great movies when they were starting out, and they didn't have as much buzz. I'm not saying that I don't want her to ever win, I wish bad on no one. But, let her work her way up, like MOST Oscar nominees have...everybody can't have that Jennifer Hudson luck with awards. But, Bey did damn good in the movie, and I was pleasantly surprised. And if she keeps on going at this rate, and gets even better, then it probably is in her future.


Jeffrey Wright better start getting some damn Oscar nominations after all the great performances he's turned in, but like Don Cheadle in "Talk to Me" and other films, I daresay there is still a bias in the Academy. I mean: "Basquiat," "Broken Flowers," "Syriana" and especially "Angels in America" where he (& Mary-Louise Parker) stole the play from uber-hams Meryl Streep and Al Pacino (I guess that's not really that hard to do)...



Most likely because it's like every single other movie ever made about the music business. Nothing memorable, nothing outstanding.

Skills on toast. - "Son of Rambow"


I found it difficult to understand Jeffrey Wright. I enjoyed the film but it wasn't an 'A' picture.

"Two more swords and I'll be Queen of the Monkey People." Roseanne


Beyonce didn't deserve a nod in this film. She was not horrible, but she didn't do anything that stood out.

I will say Columbus SHort was great. I don't care what any naysayer says, he owned this film!


it didn't deserve any either

a good film but nothing more

When there's no more room in hell, The dead will walk the earth...



The song was ripped off! It's right up there with Jai Ho!
