Timeline is all wrong

They have Chuck Berry watching Elvis in the army on TV, saying, "Meet your new King", this AFTER they've already shown the Rolling Stones visiting Chess Records. They have Berry arrested for violating the Mann Act AFTER he hears "Surfin' USA" by the Beach Boys, though he went to prison 4 years before it came out. I'm sure there's others, but these were the most egrigious.


It also gives the impression that Muddy Waters toured England for the first time in 1969 when he toured England as early as 1958.
If you want to see the real thing check out the excellent "American Folk Blues Festival" DVD series that contains the actual footage of American blues artists performing in Europe between 1962 and 1969.


Yes, I remember reading that Etta James only met "Minnesota Fats", her alleged father in the late 80's, not in the 60's like portrayed in the movie


Yes, there was an obvious problem with the chronology. The Rolling Stones didn't visit the US until 1964, and the beach boys didn't score with Surfin USA until 1963. This was many years after Chuck Berry came out with Sweet Little sixteen and Maybelline. And Elvis mania was at it height at about the same time Chuck Berry was gaining popularity around 1956, 1957 or so.
