Just Finished It

I quite liked it. Gave it a 7 on here.

Some of the scenes reminded me of cheesy Raimi horror; a few bits were a little pedestrian, and who doesn't like archangels battling??

I know there's been a lot of hate for this film, but I think it will fare better in time to come, like a low-level cult favourite. Not the 'Don't Miss!' type, but the, 'Heh ... this is a bit of a laff!' kind.

Much of the hatred stems from comparisons to other films of similar themes and material, but I think for a few newcomers to more 'grown up' films who haven't had the opportunity to see a lot of material like this, they will probably find it a bit of a blast.

JMTCW, Peace.

Please do not make negative comments about a film YOU NEVER SAW. It makes you look stupid.


who doesn't like archangels battling?

