MovieChat Forums > Legion (2010) Discussion > I guess there are people who believe thi...

I guess there are people who believe this stuff

In this 60 Minutes Classic, Correspondent Morley Safer went back to two men who've been profiting from the "Left Behind" series for years: Jerry Jenkins and Rev. Tim LaHaye, who among other things co-founded The Moral Majority, with Rev. Jerry Falwell, in 1979.... All together, there are 58 million books in print, and another 20 million in spinoffs....

The books give a graphic version of the New Testament prophecy of the end of the world, happening in our time, in which only the righteous are saved. "Glorious Appearing" tells the story of an avenging Jesus who slaughters non-believers by the millions.

And it's an image of Jesus that many evangelicals say is long overdue. "Unfortunately, we've gone through a time when liberalism has so twisted the real meaning of Scripture that we've manufactured a loving, wimpy Jesus that he wouldn't even do anything in judgment," says LaHaye. "And that's not the God of the Bible. That's not the way Jesus reads in the Scripture."

"The Biblical stuff is as close to the Bible interpretation as we can get. But if they are not people who read the Bible, they don't know which is which," says Jenkins.

"And so they say we sort of invented this violent Jesus. That stuff is straight from the Bible. The idea of him slaying the enemy with the sword, that comes from his mouth, which is The Word, and the fact that the enemies eyes melt in their heads, their tongues disintegrates, their flesh drops off, I didn't make that up. That's out of the prophecy."




Good grief. :-/

"That stuff is straight from the Bible. The idea of him slaying the enemy with the sword, that comes from his mouth, which is The Word, and the fact that the enemies eyes melt in their heads, their tongues disintegrates, their flesh drops off, I didn't make that up. That's out of the prophecy."

Falwell and his kind and cohorts and followers couldn't find their arses with both hands.
The garbage they spout is so far from what is in the Bible. When judgement day comes they will be the ones that Matthew 7:21-23 speaks of.

In the scriptures, the "sword" that comes from Jesus' mouth refers to The Word, yes, literally the things he says.
The allegory or symbolism of the sword is because the words that he speaks do separate, or divide, right from wrong, good and evil, soul and spirit, discernment of thoughts and intents of the heart, etc.

It in no way is saying that there is a literal sword coming from Jesus' mouth that slices and dices and juliennes people into bits.
See Heb 4:12, Rev 1:16, etc.

There is also no eternal punishment in a flame-burning hell with a pitch-fork wielding horned devil laughing maniacally. Those people who choose not to live by or follow YHWH's rules will simply be gone.

"Christianity" as a religion would be much better off if people like Falwell would just go away. They should pick on some other religion to misquote and destroy.
And in case anyone reading is wondering, no I do not classify myself as a Christian.


It in no way is saying that there is a literal sword coming from Jesus' mouth that slices and dices and juliennes people into bits.


I do have a hard time envisioning the lamb of God slicing and dicing and julienning people into bits.


This film was not made for 'believers'..simply a variation on a fictional theme for entertainment...
Thank Christ.
No matter how accurate any production would attempt to be , Christian folks would tear one another to pieces trying to prove it's some very silly people have done with this film..which never intended to be true to any 'writings'
