Wow, what's with some of the rampant hate for this film?
I don't get it.
shareBecause the premise had potential and the movie could have been good but it sucked, IMHO.
shareBecause the premise had potential and the movie could have been good but it sucked, IMHO.
More disappointing than sucked.
Watching it again with lower excpectations and its not too bad. Just not as awesome as the concept could've been.
I mostly liked it, maybe partly because I wasn't expecting much from it. So I'm not one of the haters.
There are two major problems I have with it though.
First, the Legion that the protagonists were fighting were totally underwhelming. So easily 'killed' or deterred with fairly ordinary weapons? There's a big buildup for the second major assault, with the loud scary horn blowing, and Michael saying stuff that makes it seem like the One Who Is Coming will be some really badass foe, and it turns out to just be Gabriel, who is a tough fighter but nowhere near as large or powerful as the buildup leads you to expect. When you get right down to it, a lot of the movie ends up being little more than an advertisement for a video game, a kind of shoot the zombies, when it could have been much more than that.
Second, the Legion were supposedly doing God's will, yet they seemed very demonic. As if they were doing Satan's will. Why would a benevolent God send beings that would rejoice at a baby's burning (what the little old lady, Gladys, says)? With the stuff that Michael was saying and the music that was blaring, I was expecting Satan himself to make an appearance at some point. Makes you wonder whether the story started out one way, but then during rewrites they got confused and changed it in a way that wasn't really consistent with the original idea.
Your second point is the objective of the story. God isn't all that nice. He's been a very tolerant parent but is now fed up. He wiped out a previous crop with a flood and now he sends his legion.
The point is that good and evil isn't so black and white. God is the bad guy in this film but Michael objective is to show that there is hope for humanity.
To me your trying to make it consistent with your interpretation of god and not the films.
It's not 'my interpretation' of God. It's a longstanding traditional view of God. You can't take an iconic figure like God and expect people to suddenly dump all of their previous understandings of the character and accept your new way of understanding. I don't care whether you're talking about Ghenghis Khan or Henry VIII or Vlad The Impaler or Santa Claus. If your whole story depends on some radical re-envisioning of a classic character, you'll have to do a lot of work to convince the audience to follow you.
In traditional mythology (or religion) of the Judeo-Christian God, the angels who meted out God's justice weren't demonic in appearance and behavior. Yet the creatures meting out God's justice in Legion were textbook cases of demonic in appearance and behavior.
And just look at the frickin TITLE, for crying out loud. LEGION:
And He asked him, What is thy name? And he answered, saying, My name is Legion: for we are many.share
You mean, the Judeo-Christian God who endorsed genocide, slavery, oppression of women, the Judeo-Christian God who arrogantly demands people worship him (despite giving them no reason to even believe in his existence) or else he's going to torture them forever, the whiny, spoiled God who created humanity to fuel his ego trip and despite being able (by virtue of being omnipotent) to stop wars, diseases, death etc., he does not so - you mean that "evil tyrant" is not the longstanding traditional view of this "God"?
I believe in God's existence just like I believe in Darth Vader's existence when I discuss Star Wars.
Yes, I was talking about how evil God is just like I would talk about how evil Lex Luthor is. Is there a problem with that? I do not need to believe in God to talk about the concept, just like I don't need to believe in the horoscope to laugh at how people base their lives on the alignment of planets. But if you're a Christian, go ahead - I find that Christians (the annoying fundie kind, anyway) think they know about my beliefs even better than I do.
Atheists don't have a book that is the foundation of there beliefs, can the same be said for Christians? It's hard to say what an Atheist believes because Atheism only tells you want they don't believe in.
"I don't have an opinion. The word "opinion" implies the possibility I'm wrong."
"You mean, the Judeo-Christian God who endorsed ..."
Apparently you have been reading some book other than the Bible, or you have read it with preconceived notions and applied verse meanings incorrectly, or you simply misunderstood it (which can be easy to do depending on the translation).
See the 10 commandments given to Moses from YHWH, and the two greater of the commandments as noted by Jesus when asked (Matthew 22:36-40). Now tell me where 'God' endorses what you stated?
The rest of the "laws" that proceeded from the old testament were laws written by men who were appointed as priests (Levites) and judges, they were not from YHWH, and many of those laws distinctly go against the commandments. The New Testament in many places mentions that certain laws were brought in because of the hardening of men's hearts.
So don't blame YHWH or Jesus for man's corrupt or evil doings.
If any man says that he is doing the will of God, but that which does goes against what Jesus said in Matthew 22:36-40, then that man is a liar.
Your myopic view of God is consistent with one that knows nothing about him BUT to play devil's advocate (pun intended), if the one and only holy God did want to "pull the wings off of cosmic flies" what would you do about it? Every knee WILL bow. Don't like it? Go start your own universe.
I don't love her.. She kicked me in the face!!
The story is just really, REALLY bad. It's worse than cookie-cutter slasher films like My Bloody Valentine. There are just SO many things wrong with it, I don't know where to begin. Check out the other topics for the 500 ridiculous plot points.
sharei tried to watch the movie again to give it one more shot.. After the old lady bit the dust, i fast forwarded to the Michael and Gabriel battling it out. Something about watching hot, muscular men in action. The wings are a bonus.
some days, it's not worth chewing through the restraints..
i didn't hate it , but it wasn't great either, i think people bash it because of the supposed biblical innacuracies. that's my guess.
are you going to bark all day little doggie,, or are you going to bite
It was pretty terrible -- like another poster said, it had great promise, but what was done with it just didn't work. The best thing about Legion is that Paul Bettany has never looked hotter. He pretty much makes it worth owning.
shareThe concept isn't that well thought out, and some moments are unintentionally funny. The best I can sum up this movie is that it's like a big budget episode of Tales From The Crypt on crack and steroids. Still, some of the visuals are kind of nice, it has some decent action and Paul Bettany proves he can still deliver a good performance no matter how poor the script is.
I have an unbelievably long ignore list.