MovieChat Forums > The Book of Eli (2010) Discussion > The villain could still crack the code

The villain could still crack the code

It's not like it's encrypted text and you can't do anything without a password. Braille has logic and through trial and error they could figure it out. It's basically still letters, but replaced with shapes made of dots.

But in the movie it's like "Game over, man, game over!"


It wasn't just that. He was dying from infection because of the gun shot wound he recieved earlier. Also I think it'd make a better twist if Solara's mother had read it and said, "Habacuck 2." then Carnegie is like, "What? It's just one book?" Then it would be useless since without the rest of the bible it isn't as clear or seems as significant.


If he's dying from infection, then it doesn't matter even if it's a normal Bible.


Good point. The reason I said what I said is that because of how Braile works there's no way to do it like a regular print bible. It takes over 20 braille books to do the bible.
