MovieChat Forums > Suspiria (2018) Discussion > The problem with remakes

The problem with remakes

Remakes are very hard to do. The problem i see with remakes is balance.

Let's say your asked to do a remake of one of your favourite films - What do you keep from the original and what do you add from your own?

The issue is if you take too much from the original it will feel like a completley different film, fans of the original will hate it and so on. However if you add too little of your own stuff it will feel like the same movie and won't be worth it.

So it does cause a dilema for Directors.


Exactly! And only like 2 or 3 remakes were able to get it right, but most of the time it just doesn´t work. And Suspiria is one of the films that just WON´T work as a remake. If the director tries to recreate the beautiful color scheme, the brilliant cinematography and terrific music of the original it will be boring and uninspired, yet if you change it from the original too much it would also suck, because although I love the whole plot of Suspiria, it could be just terrible if it goes in the wrong hands, and even the flaws of the original only add to the charm of it. I don´t think even Argento himself should remake it, considering his lastest work, and also because it´s not broken, so there´s no need to fix it!

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