MovieChat Forums > Suspiria (2018) Discussion > Why not to remake this

Why not to remake this

The building / set and the music.

I don't think fixing the acting, parts of the plot and continuity, the dialog at the end or adding masses of effects is going to improve the film for the simple reason that the building and the music in the original would be incredibly hard to top.

Lets say they improve all the above but the building and the music coem down a tad - would it be as good/scary a movie. I don't think so. That gold on black wallpaper in the corridors at the end was just so perfectly wrong. Computer animation cannot beat true suspense.

...And actualy the clanky acting made it all more real somehow, like we were following a real person in Sarah, the American. Can you imagine a hollywood A-lister doing as a good a job of being naturalistic - which is a part of the horror - our empathy for the heroine?

Oh well. I may go and see it anyway :)


Agreed, remakes rarely top the original. Plus its unlikely they'll use the actual story, and end up with something that barely recognizable when compared with the original.


Oh the pain upon searching for Suspira to give it ten stars and seeing another Suspira for 2010. Sigh....I responded to this particular post because of the mention of the Goblin score. My collection of Goblin sountracks has a special place in my music collection whether it is the clearly Dead can Dance inspiring Suspiria soundtrack that descended upon us( or ascended from depths to us) from divinely(or demonically) inspired sound waves... or other amazing productions such as the piece from the Church. It is beyond stupid to remake Suspira..especially since the Mother of Tears was so disappointing. Suspira stands out among other masterpieces of Argento. Aside from not having a polished digital clarity(a huge plus for it and also Mario Bava films) It is not really dated but for the hair styles. A remake would be such a lame slobbering crapfest that could never in a trillion years be as inspired as the original was with Argento and Nicoladi's mutual love of Lovecraftian horror. I guess it was too seductive for Argento when someone approached him with enough Italian monetary units to have him even THINK of remaking his best work. Cmon is the lovers of your films in particular that scoff at those film makers that remake great films made years ago or in the still fresh near past....(the Ring, Rek, and tears roll down my face.....Let the Right one in)


Love your post larchetype especially the remarks about Goblin's soundtrack. I think it definitely ascended from the depths! Love it.

rouge silk,
fierce concentrated joy,
fires the blood


I can imagine now the original theme being done by some horrible indie rock band...hell, there are so many bad ones list your own crappy power punk/hip indie BS band here. And think of them doing the Suspiria that is SCARY!



Okay gang,

1) You all know that the only thing that was good about the original is how beautiful it was. That was all art direction, not so much direction or even cinematography. In fact, the cinematography was rather simple (though, yes, the technicolor was fantastic).

2) Did you look at who was attached to this movie right now? David Gordon Green and a bunch of Italian producers. Not Hollywood. Go back and watch some of Green's movies if you are REALLY film buffs. Yes, he made Pineapple Express, but he got the job because his buddies were involved in it, and he used the job to make Snow Angles. Watch his first few movies (George Washington is Criterion Collection, which i'm sure your type come over) and try to see his interview on the Charlie Rose Show. I'd bet anything he wants to revist this movie because he loves the intent and the heart behind it, and he wants to take it in a different but similarly passionate direction. In fact, his strengths are everything the original film lacked, so I actually really like that. Oh, and I assure you he won't use CGI.

Yes, they are going to change the story, but that's because there really wasn't any story in the first place. This isn't considered one of the greatest films of all times, it's not even close. In fact, it's not even one of the greatest Italian films of the 70s. It's an iconic horror that is enjoyed by a fraction of the horror community, and a fraction of the art house community. It is on many horror lists, but only because of the sparks of inspiration it created; pretty much everyone admits how heavily flawed it is. It is most often lauded by people who want to appear intelligent b/c they appreciate this obscure foreign film that was, for it's time, hyper-violent and shocking.

Granted, most hollywood remakes are awful, but this would not be one, and this movie is not untouchable. Rosemarie's Baby is untouchable, as well as the original Exorcist. Remaking Halloween and Texas Chainsaw Massacre were 10x the atrocity.

Yes, this might not be as good as the original. And yes, I did enjoy many aspects of the original. However, even if this movie is bad, I guarantee you, if Green does get a chance to make it his way, it will be an homage to the original, and it will be made by a true fan, much like Star Trek or Batman Begins (though I imagine those films are too low brow for my audience).

thanks for reading, and keep on smugging.


agreed, David Gordon Green is one of the best directors working today


How much do you want to bet, that when they do start working on this movie, insted of it being at a school for ballet, It will take place at some "Hip Hop" dance school, and insted of Goblins masterful score, it will be done by Kanye west or worse.


Maybe they can remake the Godfather II after this one and use Paul Walker as young Vito Corleone.

Ignore the smoke.


paul walker?!?! what drugs are smoking? god father should never be touched. read the god damned book if you want a definitive vision. jesus christ. is there nothing sacred anymore?


Sensing Sarcasm is not your forte.


when you say "keep on smugging", I take offense, as I resemble that remark.

Seriously though, to look at this film objectively, there isn't much to it. Of the three "witch themed" movies he did, there really is no story. Yes it's beautiful, but again, like you suggest, it just came out that way.

Hundreds/thousands of films that also have thin stories an experimental lighting really come out like crap.

I'm not taking away from Argento, and this is one of, if not my favorite, horror flick.

My only beef with this remake? The music. Goblin's soundtrack is epic, not sure what they'll do. All I can say is that it is a BRAVE bunch to touch a cult classic with such a purist following. Good luck to them.



I just read that David Gordon Green has acquired the rights to the Goblin score and intends to use it in the remake... so that's at least some good news!

I wish I were a Warhol silk screen hanging on the wall...



The building and music go along way. They already got approval for using Goblin's score for the remake. And buildings/sets can be recreated.

Fixing the acting and horrid special fx on the witch would defitely top the original. The original is a masterpiece, but the fx on the witch alone kill the ending every time I see it. Which is too bad because the rest of the movie is so amazing!

Overall, I think there is definite room for improvement.

"You and me are goin' on a car-ride to hell... and you're riding shotgun! "



So loving the original and still being curious about what a remake might be able to do makes me a troll? Do you know what a troll is??

"You and me are goin' on a car-ride to hell... and you're riding shotgun! "
