If you scroll through the boards on this site of any remake, how many people specifically state the reason they are against these films being remade is because it is eating up budgets for other films? Seriously how many? 9/10 people are banging on about how its sacrilage and tainting the legacy of the original and it's this point that I have issue with.
It possible, its people state it in one particular board as the person already noticed a lot of remakes, and for them seeing their favorite film is the straw that broke the camels back.
Your point about why bother to remake films because the original still and will always exist can be answered simply with: because they make money. Will a remake of the Texas Chainsaw Massacre/ANOES make money regardless of its quality? Yeah. Will it make more money than a new original horror film? Thats debatable, but I'd say it has much better odds.
And the new take on an old film thing? I'm not sure if remaking a film because the sets in the original are a bit mucky or the acting is off is really the way to go, but that point you made is a matter of opinion and I'm not gonna get into that with you other than to say what I said before, I like watching new people re-interpret something I love, I get a kick out of it. Usually I'm of the opinion that it's inferior, but I like the fact that i'm in a position to make a comparison!!
I may have not have put my point across properly, my point there are films that no longer in existence, or technology allows for the story to be done better, eg the Phantom of the Opera was originally a silent film. The introduction of sound allowed for the story to be done better, as there's no way of going back to and add sound to to the original. That to me is more justifiable than redoing it for money. Also a good or popular original film will make money.
As for different takes, sequels do the same thing, is there any difference between a remake that does a different take and a sequel besides the title? And it's not so much as how good or bad a remake is, as it's subjective, it's that most are not necessary, except as you said money. And to me that isn't justifiable.
Any way I'm ranting partly as I'm partly sick of remakes, and too many people saying you not allow to say anything against them 'cause its only a movie' and people should only protest about important things.
Also if you think remakes are a problem in general, nothing will be done if nobody does anything, and and it needs to start by bringing it to peoples attention, and not dismissing it out of hand.
One question what do you mean by different take, different take on the characters, or plot line. If it's characters, that can be done with a sequel, and usually is. If it plot then sequels can do that too, creating a film that adapts the plot line does that as well. Like Friday the 13th recreates the basic plot line of Halloween, with new characters and characters, the sequels of each do a new take of the characters (I know not all the sequels of each do it, but the general idea is there)