MovieChat Forums > Suspiria (2018) Discussion > I love Dario Argento and the original. W...

I love Dario Argento and the original. Who cares if it's remade?

So much whining over a movie you don't have to see. You do know that when a remake comes out, they don't send out people to gather up every existing copy of the original and destroy them, right? I'm pretty sure your blu-ray or DVD will still be on the shelf any time you choose to go and watch it and whoever holds the rights to the original won't have them taken away. If anything, interest in the remake may finally lead them to release a U.S. blu-ray.

If the remake keeps the same music, sets, color scheme, or even comes close to recreating the atmosphere of the original, I would see it. No one is saying this is going to be better, but to dismiss it right out of the park on some stupid grounds of "They shouldn't remake it" is just silly. You people need to realize this a film, a piece of art, and in the grand scheme of things it doesn't really matter much. Life goes on. Stop acting like remaking a movie is some travesty. Life has plenty of problems, and a movie remake is not high on the list. Move on and get over it. It doesn't matter. See it, don't see it, make your choice, then go out and enjoy life.


Well said and i agree 100%


i want this crappy remake to come out already just so i know that a region A bluray release of the original film will most likely happen as soon as this POS is released.


I'm so used to remakes at this point that I should not care. But it's come down to this - I love discussing horror movies with people (in real life). But the more time goes on, whenever I'm discussing my favorite horror flicks, the more I'm forced to add the words "the original" after the name of the movie I want to talk about. Gets on my nerves, man. I feel like every classic horror movie will have been remade by 2014.

Maybe the 90s spoiled me. Before Hollywood was remaking every f#cking thing in sight, all I had to say was that I loved Suspiria or The Thing or A Nightmare On Elm Street. Now I need to waste my breath and throw a wrench in the natural flow of the conversation by clearing up the version I mean almost every single time all because of stupid Hollywood and their stupid remakes.

"He makes me laugh, he'a always humping and pointing at Reese Witherspoon." - rebschucks


THIS times a million. we are the same person.


I agree with you. I absolutely love "Suspiria" with passion and it may be my favorite film. There's no point in dismissing a remake that hasn't even been released yet. If the movie is not good, I still have the original.

So far, I'm happy with the idea of Isabelle Fuhrman and Isabelle Huppert in the cast.

"I really felt quite distressed at not receiving an invitation" - Maleficent


So you'll be glad to know that, the producers of saw are already thinking of remaking it in a few years time, or that Dracula is potentially getting 5 more adaptions in the next few years, or the Mummy is getting rebooted for the second time and Frankenstein is getting it's at least 6th adaptation.


Well said my man!! The only issue I have with remakes is that they take up budgets that could be used to finance new, original horror films. The more remakes that get made, the less new films we'll get to see. Thats my only issue.

People crying blue murder because a favoutite of theres is being remade really annoys me. As you perfectly put it, the original is still going to be there same as it always was, same as it always will be. If your not into the remake, get over your pettiness, shrug it off and don't go and see it.

Personally, I kind of enjoy when one of my favourites is given a new spin. It give me the chance to watch something that is so familiar to me in a whole new way. Sure more often than not the newbie doesn't come close to the original but it's fun to see someone else's modern interpretation, THE ORIGINAL WILL STILL BE THERE, ITS NOT GONNA DISAPPEAR, so who cares if it sucks!!!!

"Fellas, don't drink that coffee! There was a fish....... IN the percolator!"


The only issue I have with remakes is that they take up budgets that could be used to finance new, original horror films. The more remakes that get made, the less new films we'll get to see. Thats my only issue.

Have you thought that's also why some are complaining, and not just because it happens a film happens to be their favorite.

And seeing as originals aren't going to disappear, why bother remaking it. It's not like it was before the advent of TV, DVD/blu-ray and streaming, where where films got lost/damaged or destroyed/erased. For example 80-90% of all silent films no longer exist for the fore mentioned reasons. Or there's a big change in technology ie sound, and possibly color. And before you say HD, 3D and CGI, CGI is a good leap for those films that need it (when used properly), HD sure improves quality of the picture, and older films can be converted to HD, and 3D is only useful if the film is made for it.

And on the point of a new take on a film, lot of films don't need one, what there more likely to need is to improve one or more of the following acting, effects, or sets. If films were remade for that reason and that reason alone, then I'd understand it more.

And no this isn't one of my most favorite films, I enjoyed the film sure, but that's about it. I'm someone who thinks remakes should be at worst few and far between.


If you scroll through the boards on this site of any remake, how many people specifically state the reason they are against these films being remade is because it is eating up budgets for other films? Seriously how many? 9/10 people are banging on about how its sacrilage and tainting the legacy of the original and it's this point that I have issue with.

Your point about why bother to remake films because the original still and will always exist can be answered simply with: because they make money. Will a remake of the Texas Chainsaw Massacre/ANOES make money regardless of its quality? Yeah. Will it make more money than a new original horror film? Thats debatable, but I'd say it has much better odds.

And the new take on an old film thing? I'm not sure if remaking a film because the sets in the original are a bit mucky or the acting is off is really the way to go, but that point you made is a matter of opinion and I'm not gonna get into that with you other than to say what I said before, I like watching new people re-interpret something I love, I get a kick out of it. Usually I'm of the opinion that it's inferior, but I like the fact that i'm in a position to make a comparison!!

I sound like I'm actually sticking up for remakes, this is getting out of hand. I'm not at all, I just don't seem to mind them as much as some people.

"Fellas, don't drink that coffee! There was a fish....... IN the percolator!"


If you scroll through the boards on this site of any remake, how many people specifically state the reason they are against these films being remade is because it is eating up budgets for other films? Seriously how many? 9/10 people are banging on about how its sacrilage and tainting the legacy of the original and it's this point that I have issue with.

It possible, its people state it in one particular board as the person already noticed a lot of remakes, and for them seeing their favorite film is the straw that broke the camels back.

Your point about why bother to remake films because the original still and will always exist can be answered simply with: because they make money. Will a remake of the Texas Chainsaw Massacre/ANOES make money regardless of its quality? Yeah. Will it make more money than a new original horror film? Thats debatable, but I'd say it has much better odds.

And the new take on an old film thing? I'm not sure if remaking a film because the sets in the original are a bit mucky or the acting is off is really the way to go, but that point you made is a matter of opinion and I'm not gonna get into that with you other than to say what I said before, I like watching new people re-interpret something I love, I get a kick out of it. Usually I'm of the opinion that it's inferior, but I like the fact that i'm in a position to make a comparison!!

I may have not have put my point across properly, my point there are films that no longer in existence, or technology allows for the story to be done better, eg the Phantom of the Opera was originally a silent film. The introduction of sound allowed for the story to be done better, as there's no way of going back to and add sound to to the original. That to me is more justifiable than redoing it for money. Also a good or popular original film will make money.

As for different takes, sequels do the same thing, is there any difference between a remake that does a different take and a sequel besides the title? And it's not so much as how good or bad a remake is, as it's subjective, it's that most are not necessary, except as you said money. And to me that isn't justifiable.

Any way I'm ranting partly as I'm partly sick of remakes, and too many people saying you not allow to say anything against them 'cause its only a movie' and people should only protest about important things.

Also if you think remakes are a problem in general, nothing will be done if nobody does anything, and and it needs to start by bringing it to peoples attention, and not dismissing it out of hand.

One question what do you mean by different take, different take on the characters, or plot line. If it's characters, that can be done with a sequel, and usually is. If it plot then sequels can do that too, creating a film that adapts the plot line does that as well. Like Friday the 13th recreates the basic plot line of Halloween, with new characters and characters, the sequels of each do a new take of the characters (I know not all the sequels of each do it, but the general idea is there)



Dario was at Frightfest and this came up - he pretty much said, give it ago, it wont be good. ha!
