The Running Man

The comparisons between this movie and The Running Man (Arnold Schwarzenegger movie) are easy to notice. People have compared with Gladiator because of the knife scene at the end, or with Total Recall (not sure why), but the whole plot of a prisoner taking part in a game to kill people for the entertainment of others with the ultimate goal of winning freedom from an organisation that has no intention of letting them go free IS THE EXACT PLOT OF The Running Man.

Having said that, my other point is that some of the people who criticise this movie are pathetic trenders. They're no different to the people who whine about remaking old films, or sequels, or "Hollywood movies". Aliens was a sequel, Terminator 2 was a sequel, John Carpenter's The Thing (from the 80's) was an excellent remake, and these are all "Hollywood movies". People just spout asinine criticism because they like the sound of it, and they like the sound of it because someone who sounded intelligent at the time said the same thing: "Oh they know their *beep* they read the original book, and they say the book is better, so *beep* the film". That idiot is probably just proud he read the book and can now act like he knows something. Have your own god damn opinion! So for people who criticise Gamer, have your own opinion; just cos some nerd thinks he has an educated opinion because he plays lots of computer games, doesn't mean you should agree with him.
