This film is gonna be so much fun...can't wait!
This film is gonna be so much fun...can't wait!
Don't hold your breath, here is the latest info to IA members who worked on the film and still have 2 weeks outstanding wages.
Dear BM Productions Inc “Bad Meat” Crew,
Last evening I received the following email from Phyllis Laing:
Dear all:
I have been advised by Capitol Films that they will be stopping production of Bad Meat until further notice.
I have provided a list and cost of departments that will need to wrap as well as costs for storage, flying crew, and whatever other costs each of the departments have supplied to us. I am awaiting their confirmation of the funds to be able to complete the wrap work and to put sets and props into storage until such time that they have the full financing required to complete the film.
Phyllis Laing
President, Buffalo Gal Pictures
777-70 Arthur Street
Winnipeg, MB R3B 1G7
p. 204.956.2777
f. 204.956.7999
Although many crew are receiving this email, the following applies to Local 856 crew only:
For technical and legal reasons, it was important to us that this production halted of its own accord, and not because the Union pulled the plug. The Union did not cause a work stoppage, nor any kind of wildcat strike, nor has anyone Local 856 crew given notice in writing that they have quit. This gives us room to maneuver with our grievance and possibly even collect on severance pay for weekly employees. I will therefore be adding severance pay for weekly employees to our grievance.
I am also naming all companies that were involved in the production in our grievance, not just the local single-purpose corporation “BM Productions Inc.” There are five companies altogether who we are claiming are responsible for the outstanding payroll.
I have all along kept the IATSE Canadian office aware of what was taking place. The US office is also aware of the situation.
Performance Bond Disbursement: For Local 856 Crew: I have asked the producers to sign a waiver of the arbitration process that we normally must undertake in order to access the Performance Bond. The arbitration process takes up to one year. If the employer agrees to waive the arbitration process, we will begin disbursements from the bond on/about Tuesday June 2nd. If all unpaid time sheets are submitted and processed earlier, there is a chance that we will be able to get these bond disbursements under way perhaps a few days sooner. No time sheets will be accepted or included in the bond disbursement calculation after Wednesday, May 21st. Keys will be responsible for undertaking this on behalf of their departments, and communicating this memo to their crew. Because of the timelines involved, this memo will not be mailed out.
Wrap: If you continue to work on wrap, understand that based on the track record of this production, there is a possibility that you will not get paid for your work. Regardless, note your time worked on a time sheet, submit it to Phyllis or Dennis to be signed, and get a copy to the Union. If you choose to work on wrap, and you will be working beyond today, please email me to let me know so that I can alert our accountant to expect a copy of your time sheet. As I stated earlier, we cannot disburse the bond until all time sheets are accounted for, and we will only accept time sheets up to May 21st, 2008. Also, as I stated in our meeting yesterday, we will only include time sheets that have been signed by production, and that the production acknowledges it must pay.
Likelihood of getting paid: We are unable to answer this question at this time. Capitol Films has made it clear that it is their intention to make good on all IATSE payroll for all of the projects throughout North America.
Local 669 Crew: please compile your unpaid time sheets. Instructions will be sent to you in the very near future.
Another update will be sent out next week when more information is available.
In Solidarity,