Just watched this on Amazon - really entertaining, really gruesome, probably could have reached cult status if it weren't for the shoddy conclusion (apparently they ran out of funding). However, I'm wondering if they purposely left it open for the audience to wonder who the bandaged survivor was, or if they had to throw it in there because the cast had moved on to other projects and certain scenes were left unfilmed. The way the attack scenes were filmed, any of the teen characters could have been the survivor - but Tyler was locked up the whole time, so... Still, I thought it was a lot of fun, I know it's been compared to Cabin Fever, but I liked it a lot better than that film.
I would guess Tyler, but the eyes appeared solid black, too black, as if contacts were in for effect, did that "person" even have eyelids? I was under the impression that they didn't.
The survivor had dark brown hair and dark brown eyes with somewhat long eyelashes.. I thought it was Tyler, but when they take the bandages off the person doesn't even have eyeballs. Wtf?
I know, the ending was so confusing. It looked like a girl at first, then a guy. I have no idea who it was in the bandages. I enjoyed this one though, but man that was a rushed ending.
I thought Tyler too. I really enjoyed it, until it just ended. I watched it on Hulu and thought maybe part of the movie was missing because the ending is just confusing. They must have run out of money and tried to edit what footage they had to make a movie.
I would say its "Return of the Living Dead" meets "28 days later" before comparing it to "Cabin Fever". I loved the campy feel of the two counselors dressed up in bondage gear while running around. Hilarious. Wish the movie could have been released with more of an ending.
So I’ve just watched the re-run to see if it made any more sense the second time around. Since nobody else has any concrete information about who ended up under the bandages, I watched the film in detective mode – and my take is that it’s ‘supposed’ to be Elizabeth Harnois.
We know the inserts with the bandaged victim were both unscripted and added after the financiers pulled the plug. However, almost every victim scene is inserted at a point where Harnois’ character is thinking/exploring and crucially, it always cuts back to her. The only point where my theory is on shaky ground is when the newly transformed Guards run off to hunt the inmates followed by a victim scene – but here again, it suddenly cuts back to Harnois. Not only is it obviously a female body crawling across the floor at the end, but as the film’s only mainstream ‘Name’, making her the survivor (especially since by this point, the film was now a salvage job) makes sense.
Unfortunately, somebody then thought “Hey. Lets give this thing a mystery ending”. We don’t see everybody die in the final massacre (most of which probably wasn’t filmed). The POV suddenly closes in on the terrified eyes as they remember it, but the film then jumps from character to character so rapidly (lingering on those with enough appropriate footage to recycle) that it effectively confuses that prior Harnois continuity – although it does end with her arrival footage.
Admittedly, the producers were probably trying to do the best they could with limited footage and trying to turn what was left into a saleable film. But as for the victim having black hair poking out of said bandages, I’m tempted (ok, somewhat conveniently) to ignore it. The actress was probably chosen because her eyes had the most impact when seen through a mask. Furthermore, the big reveal at the end also blows any sense of continuity right out of the window because we’ve just spent the whole film watching a frightened pair of eyes – and then suddenly, the victim has no eyes???
As I said at the beginning, I’m trying to see method in what was ultimately a tacked on gimmick so it’s all just speculation. But if you can, read this and then watch the film again. I’d love to know if you agree or not.
I get the movie was a hackjob from funding falling through. But in all honesty didn't think this it was that bad. It was a typical teen splatter movie. I thought it was Tyler under the bandages. The disease had overtaken him and he fell apart.
Everyone else had died. Estelle, and Tahj Mowry's character and Billy were killed and presumably so did Kelly. (I must've missed that part because I don't remember her dying) Liz may have escaped. I guess we're left to think that.