last scene

I have been thinking a lot about the last scene.
I think every detail in it was purposeful, and connected.
1. The voice-over of Morgan Freeman introducing the Penguin information,saying how this is the most inhospitable place on earth. Here the family is sitting in what is referred to in the movie as "paradise" and yet they have gone through all this hell.
2. The movie shows how the parent penguins care so much for the baby penguins. They bring them food, and protect them from cold. George Clooney is offering food to his daughters, and covering them up with the handmade quilt that was his wife's.
3. He started out saying how he had not been the real parent, his wife had done it. He keeps saying how he doesn't know how to parent. The last scene shows him as having made a good start on that
4. The relationships were so screwed up among the three of them. Now, with everything out in the open and resolved,they are a real family, accepting and supporting each other.

I thought it was a wonderful ending.


Your conclusion: 'I thought it was a wonderful ending"

I totally agree. To me the whole couch and ice cream with the television on, with the three of them under the blanket sharing the ice cream, signified a re-connection of the father with his daughters. Especially after the outrigger / goodbye scene, the three of them also shared together, to say 'good-bye'.

Very touching. Put a nice ribbon on the package the movie represented.


You are wrong about the ending.

Did you really listen to Morgan Freeman talking about how Antartica had been a beautiful place until it moved South and then it became covered in ice.

What he was saying is in spite of beauty and the want to keep things the same, life happens and things change around us.

And not only were they going to have to distribute the land before they wanted to, but that would eventually cause a big change in Hawaii.

And the changes that occurred to the girls and Matt was major.

That is what the program meant to the movie.


He is not wrong, you are not either.

It is called interpretation wich is personnal. Can't be wrong!

IMO, the ending scene with the documentary was a way to show that life goes own for this familly, now somewhat reconnected with each others.



couldn't agree more, wonderful ending scene for a great movie


Antarctica: the polar opposite of Hawaii

When you think of garbage, think of Hakim!


I took the ending as:

We have been watching this family struggle with such a personal, emotional issue for the past two hours. We, being the audience, sitting, eating popcorn, finding entertainment through their dilemma. Then, we suddenly have the main cast, sitting on a couch, eating ice cream, staring US down...

I don't know if that was the main point or idea of the scene, but I became very self-reflective. I felt almost invaded, uncomfortable...

Ouy evol I tub


Wow, you're right. Interesting take.

When you think of garbage, think of Hakim!


Wow, you're right. Interesting take.

When you think of garbage, think of Hakim!
