MovieChat Forums > The Descendants (2011) Discussion > There was no need to forgive the wife

There was no need to forgive the wife

Forgive her for what, She fell in love with someone. She needs not to be forgiven for that. She brought her demise on herself. I do say he need not be angry with her for her actions, as she has paid the ultimate price for her falling in love with [was it actually love or lust, maybe even for thrills]Brian. He only needs to continue loving her in her death as he did before the tragedy. The film does not really say she no longer loved him. I think the affair was overplayed. I also feel they did not highlight the affair enough for us to have really cared about it.


Brian didn't love Elizabeth. He said so to Matt at the cottage. And his wife went to the hospital because she knew he didn't love her, but someone from the family should have paid respects.

When Matt asked her best friend if Elizabeth loved Brian she answered yes, then qualified "well she thought she loved him." I think it was the money she loved, which is why she stayed with Matt for so long. Once she knew the money was about to change hands, everyone seemed sure he'd agree to the sale, she was willing to follow the money wherever it went.


Well I knew Brian did not love her but I feel love is kinda vague in this film. I also feel he did care for her despite that he was still in love with his wife. On the wife, she was ready to bolt so she was getting her needs met with money, I assume great sex, and being with someone she felt she was in love with, She also was getting the attention from him.

I don't think it would have worked anyway. Brian's wife could get half and after everything else taken out it was hardly enough for all the heartache it would have caused for a lot of people. she could have stayed and gotten more.

The wife never seemed to be really sure what she felt for Brian, It was only what she believed her situation was. Did she ever discuss anything along the lines of being deeply in love with him, I don't think so. So having said that, she was maybe on the way but had not gotten there just yet. And as the film played out she would have never gotten there. I re-watched the film to come to theses conclusions, though i do see where your reply is coming from. So to me as I stated forgive her what, She was dead so the best thing to do was realize his own issues and let it be. Keep the good memories with her and the kids and move on. Just my take.


Matt needed to forgive Elizabeth for his OWN sake, to convince himself the years he had spent loving her had not been a waste of time.


4) You ever seen Superman $#$# his pants? Case closed.


Amen to the above.


I agree with above also.

I might add, we will never know the who loved whom question. She didn't know the accident was going to happen. She was probably conflicted about the affair and her life as we all are. Thinking she had time to figure things out. There is a lesson here.

Tomorrow is not promised. Deal with your circumstances. Communicate.

He was left here and it was good for him to forgive. Which is coming to a healthy understanding of the situation.

I loved this movie
