MovieChat Forums > The Descendants (2011) Discussion > What about ME? I want a camp!

What about ME? I want a camp!

The scene where the family gets picked up at the airport by a cousin and they drive by the breathtaking scenery and Matt tells his daughters about the camp his aunt and uncle had down on the beach -- mind blowing!

When Scottie says "What about ME? I want a camp." It's a small scene, and Matt and Alex hardly react at all, but I feel it's at the heart of The Descendants. The seed of the decision to keep the trust.

What did you see in this scene? I thought it was brilliant!


that's interesting and i agree that scene might have been the inception of it all however I think it goes a little further and it stablishes one of the themes of the movie, specially present in Scottie which is detachment. Throughout the whole movie I kept thinking nobody was paying attention to her, no one was asking her what she wanted, they were constantly keeping everything from her and they even called a lady in to tell her that her own mother was dying, didn't have the guts to explain that to the poor kid, Matt was obviously clueless with her because he had no idea who that kid was, that's how detached he was from his children, his children from them, him from his wife and their mother from her girls. Just as landowners from hawaii were detached from their land.


I felt the same. And both times watching the movie. This is the central line, and I felt she speaks for all our children, not just those in Hawaii, as the land we should be holding in trust is sold and ruined out from under them.


for whats its worth she more likely said "I wanna camp"



I fell when he is about to sign the papers with his cousin, he sits and thinks and I honestly feel that he is thinking about that very moment.


I too thought Scotty was ignored through the whole movie, all the attention being on Alex. When Scotty said she wanted to go camping no one even responded to her or gave any hint that she deserved a chance to enjoy what they had and to have the wonderful memories they did. The older sister's character was obnoxious. She swanned around telling everyone what to do. Scotty was younger but she deserved to know what was going on instead of being made to feel unimportant. Well, thank you for letting me get that off my chest. As a younger sister, I was really upset by the way Scotty was treated.


I thought so too... but I also thought that he was scotching Brian Speer's future commissions... he may not have been aware of it consciously, however.

I bet though, on some level, Cousin's Hugh's guffawing in that restaurant, about how much Speer was gonna make, was not easily forgotten.


"I want TO camp".

I'm a Prick With a Fork.


"I want a camp" really doesn't make sense lol


Yeah,but it still follows poncedelaroy's point-- this would be a memory Scottie couldn't share with the rest of her family.
