MovieChat Forums > The Descendants (2011) Discussion > Help with missed scene (Spoilers!)

Help with missed scene (Spoilers!)

Watched this movie yesterday and missed a crucial part, just before G Clooney is with cousing Hugh and stands in front of the trustees in the countryside....
I suppose he announced what he'd decided to do with the trust and imagine he did not sell it in the end to the candidate that would have made the Speer guy rich, but the camera went from there to the hospital. Could anybody fill that gap please? What did he decide to do and how did he sell this decision to his cousin? Many thanks!


Before he talked to all the cousins, he told cousin Hugh that he wasn't going to sell the property to anybody. He said he was going to hold on to it, and use the time remaining until the trust had to be distributed to figure out a plan.

He didn't need to "sell" his decision to Hugh. He was the sole trustee, and the decision was his. Hugh was not happy with the decision, and made some noises about taking legal action, though he seemed to back down on that, presumably because he realized he didn't have much of a leg to stand on.

As an aside, he wasn't standing in front of "the trustees." He was standing in front of the beneficiaries, i.e. his cousins.


Thanks! Yes, I know the final decision rested with him and understood the basics of how the trust functioned but did not know the details. Thanks for clarifying. Still, the beneficiaries were putting pressure on him. Otherwise he would not have bothered with meetings and so on.
