I think IMDb must be populated with 45% immature juveniles incapable of accepting anything that makes them have to think and 45% knuckle draggers who cannot chew gum and walk upright at the same time.
So here's to the remaining 10% adult enough to appreciate this great film - I'm glad you liked it too.
The great irony here is that it was you who shut your brain off and mindlessly rode this movie roller coaster without noticing that the entire movie is terrible and pointless. Maybe go back and read some of those negative reviews with an open mind and then watch the movie again. Maybe you'll still like it but also maybe understand why others do not and not so quickly paint us all with your broad narrow brush.
I agree with you OP. It was an engrossing, thoughtful, sensitive, touching and well acted movie. GC can say more with his eyes in one glance than most of the posters can here in 1000 word rants.
And, contrary to the advice of one of the posters who replied to you, you don't need to go and read the negative reviews again with fresh eyes. You just need to look at the impressive Imdb score, and remember that the Academy agrees with you, and then you can disregard those who think their opinions carry more weight than they do.
Right, because cleaving to some meaningless numerical rating or arbitrary, politically-motivated industry bauble that reaffirms your existing opinions is vastly preferable to reading an opposing view, before spouting off about a bunch of hypothetical people. Numpty.
If you happen to be in the minority who don't like something, it's a bit pathetic to attack those that do. You didn't like it? Fine. I don't get why anyone would bother to troll the boards looking for people to talk down to. Isn't it all a bit of a waste of time? I guess not, if you crave negative attention.
It's got nothing to do with whether you like the film or I don't, what stinks is your mindless adherence to consensus and the suggestion that differing opinions can be summarily dismissed on that basis. And 'numpty' wasn't intended to hurt your feelings, it's just apt term for the type of person who holds such opinions.