Really good movie

I can't believe it's been almost 3 yrs since I saw this movie. The reason being, that it's the best movie, hands down, that I've seen since. What a shame Hollywood has become such that it is. I'm not a Clooney fan but he was very good in this. As well as the whole cast. It's too bad that most of the movies made today are directed towards the 12-25 yr olds.


I think it's one of the best of Payne's. And it's actually even better when you rewatch it, because of so many nuances, which might be missed after first viewing.

I never understood the hype around the Sideways, as it seemed too boring for me - the characters were not engaging enough, I couldn't bring myself to care for any of them. But I liked Election and About Schmidt.... So Descendants is my favorite film of Payne's, and because of it I'm looking forward to seeing Nebraska.


Yeah, I never got into Sideways AT ALL, but loved The Descendants (re-watched it the other night) and About Schmidt, but especially Election.

"The battle for the soul is fought in the forum of art."


It's interesting about Sideways, I've noticed how it's mostly praised by men, maybe there's something about that male mid life crisis that clicks for them and Payne got it right. I don't know, for me it wasn't at all engaging.

Mindy: “I will never stop sending nudies. That is my First Amendment right."
