A Carrie like plot?
After seeing "Time to face the Music" on Jan. 22, 2021, I have some guesses about the plot.
Savannah disappeared after the dance and never made it back to the camp. And maybe something happened at the dance to upset her & make her run away. The way young Jess said that Savannah should go to the dance hinted that Savannah shouldn't.
So I was thinking that young Jess might have seen Carrie but think that Savannah doesn't have any psychic powers to get revenge. Thus young Jess may be planning to figuratively or literally dump a bucket of pig's blood on Carrie - I mean Savanaah - at the dance. And maybe for thirty years she has suffered, having learned too late that there were ways Jess didn't imagine beforehand to make Jess suffer for what she did.
Possibly years later when and if Jess watched the "He Who is without Sin" episode of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine , November 11 1996, she may have wished that she had thought of the method that even the weakest and even the most helpless person may be able to harm someone with.
See my answer to this question: https://scifi.stackexchange.com/questions/131328/has-a-klingon-ever-been-head-butted-to-any-effect-by-a-non-klingon for an example of this method in action.