This show only exists to attack Black Americans ... They make sure to use the Abishola chick to take underhanded shots at ADOS(American Descendants of Slaves.. The African immigrant writer of the show; Gina Yashere even retweeted a tweet which called Black Americans trash.
LOL, a show like this could never attack African-Americans more than they've attacked themselves. We're now 30 years into AA's denigrating black women as hos and bitches, murdering each other in droves and perpetuating stereotypes in rap music and on talk shows like Jerry Springer and Maury Povich. So, BFD.
Generalized negative stereotypes? What the hell are you talking about? None of what I talked about happened?
What is this "SWS" nonsense, anyway? You millennials/Gen Z are so cute with your stupid nonsensical social media buzzwords and acronyms (SJWs, SWS, ADOS) that are meaningless to everyone on the planet except the few hundred of you that use it on Twitter or Reddit. It's like you're the proverbial identical twins who are so disconnected with the rest of the world you invent your own language.
Nah, I don't need a hug, but thanks for the offer. (You were offering...right? *grin* j/k)
It's just that you reach an age where you can only handle so much bullshit being spouted on the internet without getting pissed off. This whole ADOS movement is one of them. Seems like both Americans and Brits (Brexit) are determined to go down this stupid path of finding "others" to blame for wounds they inflicted on themselves and thinking separatism is going to solve everything. There's no future in separatism, especially in a world where there's strength in numbers.
I'm pretty sure there is no ADOS "movement". That didn't seem what was being described in the OP. It appears to just be one of various acronyms I've seen as hashtags referring to a specific classification of Americans which I suppose has been somewhat popularized through social media. I certainly haven't heard anything about separatism being associated with the use of that acronym.
There isn't a full-scale movement, but there is a movement.
If you go on YouTube and read comments from so-called "ADOS" people, all you'll see is non-stop racism from AAs against other non-AA blacks. It's why that term angers me. It's a phony label AAs have come up with to attack blacks like Kamala Harris and Barack Obama, who aren't considered "really black". It's no different from white nationalism, where white racists call themselves nationalists to pretend that they're not racist against anyone (that they're merely looking out for American interests), but all their rhetoric is anti-immigrant and racist. They will pretend that ADOS is just a benign, wholesome movement, but it's as racist and xenophobic as white nationalism. I have read people ranting that Caribbeans "killed Prince and Michael Jackson", that it was they who flooded the black community with drugs, that it was Africans who sold them into slavery in the first place, etc., etc.
Here is an article that talks about it. Keep in mind that this is from a "BLACK" website/program. I have to say that before everyone accuses it as "racist."
The basis behind this bullshit movement is that black immigrants are opportunists who coasted into the United States and enjoyed the benefits of the Civil Rights movement without having to sweat for it. Therefore, they should be regarded with hatred and suspicion and their sincere attempts at expressing their own experiences with racism mocked and denigrated. It's an attack against Pan-Africanism, the movement that called for blacks all around the world enduring oppression to help each other out.
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Okay I have some issues with several of the statements you've made that seem a bit erroneous.
1.If you go on YouTube and read comments from so-called "ADOS" people, all you'll see is non-stop racism from AAs against other non-AA blacks. It's why that term angers me.
2. It's no different from white nationalism
First blacks can't be racist against other black people. Xenophobic? Sure but I've seen little evidence of that going on & certainly no "movement" geared towards hating or otherwise poorly treating blacks who were not descended from black American slaves. "I've seen some online youtube comments" doesn't quite hold enough weight to make such broad generalizations. Also how is it a "phony" label? It's a descriptive term for Americans blacks descended from the victims of chattel slavery in America. It's something you either are or you are not. These things are facts. That persons like Kamala Harris & Obama are aren't "ADOS" not because black Americans don't like them (or somehow don't consider them black which isn't true to any significant degree) but because it's simply not their background. From what I've seen, the gradual backlash from African Americans against Obama & people like Kamala Harris had to do with their policies and not their non "ADOS" background.
Saying that's a false comparison would quite an understatement. The idea that there's an comparative black version of "white supremacy" is a nonsensical idea usually brought up by white supremacists themselves. Basically the white supremacist version of "I know you are but what am I". As far America has come, white supremacy & crimes against humanity it inflicted will forever be a stain on its reputation & there's nothing even approaching an equal comparison to that on this issue.
The idea is that "ADOS" should control their own internal politics & speak on their own unique
history & priorities, not necessarily shared by every person in the world who is black.
First blacks can't be racist against other black people.
This is where I tune out. You don't get to tell a black person that blacks can't be racist against other blacks when I've seen and heard AAs rant about how they hate Caribbean people and Africans more times than I can count both on and offline, saying they're the reason why their neighborhoods got fucked up, why there's crime, etc.
Case in point, at my last job, there was an AA woman loudly asking Caribbean blacks insulting questions, implying that they were monkeys, as in, "Do you live in trees?"
So, don't tell me there can't be racism among blacks. Of course there can be. It's why Pan-Africanism was invented, to counter that mentality.
Everything else you said is just intellectually dishonesty. Again, it's like when a white nationalist tries to use neutral language to downplay the racist and xenophobic roots of their movement. They talk a good game, but behind closed doors, it's a different story.
Don't take this the wrong way, but you're trying to argue this whole thing in a very typical American/British way, using intellectual dishonesty. You want to use language as a tool to obfuscate issues and keep things to a surface level. You can do that if you want, but I'm not going to play that game.
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Okay. I thought there was potential for an actual discussion here but this is quickly turning into a rant fest. I suppose there isn't
anything further to discuss anyway if your inability or unwillingness to distinguish between xenophobia and racism is getting you so distracted.
The larger issue being the distinct lack of xenophobia exhibited by African Americans towards black immigrants. As i said, your seeing some comments online is a poor basis upon which to make such broad generalizations.
Simply put it is not xenophobic to recognize a distinguished identity that encompasses a distinct cultural & historical lineage to the survivors of chattel slavery in America.
As far America has come, white supremacy & crimes against humanity it inflicted will forever be a stain on its reputation & there's nothing even approaching an equal comparison to that on this issue.
Typical white-guilt.
US was one of the countries that imported LESS slaves. Inside America, countries like Brasil imported way more slaves than US. And Muslim countries imported several times more slaves than the whole American continent together.
To compare, US imported about 500K black slaves. The whole American continent imported about 13,000K black slaves.
Muslim countries imported about 110,000K to 120,000K of black slaves and 1,000K european white slaves. That's 250 times the size of US slavery trade.
Actually, there were more white slaves sold to Muslim countries than black slaves sold to US.
And that doesn't take into account internal slave trade in Africa, which was extremely common. Black African culture considered slavery as something morally right. Indeed, there was a higher percentage of slave owners in US among freed black slaves than among whites. Blacks were much more pro-slavery than whites. They wanted to be the slave owners, though.
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Everything you said is pure bull****. Where did you get these stats from, anyway? Tired of white people talking about so-called "white slaves" just so you can play down the fact that America was supposed to be a free country for all, but became a slave-owning country out of pure fckg greed, and let the white slavemasters who profitted off of it off the hook. And no, black peopel were more "pro-slavery" than white people. Honestly, everything you're saying is pure complete, plain damn stupid, tired-ass bullshit. Why in the hell would slaves be "pro-slavery", and if they were so "pro-slavery", why the hell did so many of them try to escape it? Seriously, the bull**** stories some of you slavery apologists try to come up with it in order to justify it are so fckg ridiculous, one has to laugh---because its nothing but bull****.
You have no idea what ADOS is if you think the movement is bullshit.. And nobody gives a two bit damn how pissed off you are.. The movement is here to stay.
Of course the movement is here to stay. You're privileged to live in a time when the biggest fools and morons are having their moment in the sun, like anti-vaxxers, Deep State conspiracy theorists and Brexiters. The blind are leading the blind, the inmates are running the asylum, the children like you--whose balls hadn't dropped yet when I was graduating from school--are running the show.
So yes, the movement is here to stay, most certainly. Judging by the millions of morons rushing headlong into conspiracy theories, denouncing vaccinations and arguing that you can be a woman yet still have a dick and balls, you're not telling me anything I don't know already. Of course ADOS is here to stay. It's that kind of time we're living in, where stupidity and ignorance reign.
But where will the movement take you? That's the more interesting question, one you're too arrogant to ask yourself.
You do know there's more to rap than dudes spewing about "hos and b******", and white people murder each other all the damn time too, and white folks watched the Springer and Povich shows too. A lot of negative stereotypes have always been pushed on black people by white people since this country began, in order to justify haveing enslaved us and to be racist as hell toward us---we sure as hell didn't invent them all. Also, every black people dosen't just listen to rap---some of us even like country music, jazz and pop and classical. Those stereotypes you spewed don't even apply to all black people----we aren't all the damn same, and don't even think alike because we aren't a damn monolith, either. Tired of hearing these stupid-ass stereotypes spewed as if that's all black people are---that's old and fckg tired.
However, they're probably seen in US as the average black Joe, and I guess they're not very happy about it. That's nothing new. Italy, for example: people from the North of Italy are more similar to Center Europeans than to South Italians, and they hate to be related to the usual Italian archetype. A similar issue happens in China, and Spain, and probably other lands or communities too.
There is no ADOS movement! That's nonsense created by Russians who are once again trying to interfere in American politics by dividing the black community. "African-American" families are mixed with many nationalities, races and ethnicities.
Gina Yashere is British.
The show is funny and not offensive. This is the first time an American show has starred an African character. I enjoy watching shows that are unique and groundbreaking. I started out of curiosity, but the show is funny so I'm still watching. The show is "dara".
"There is evidence that ADOS is advancing a right-wing agenda, and while it calls itself progressive, it pushes pro-Trump, anti-immigrant views. ADOS co-founder Yvette Carnell is a board member of right-wing front group Progressives for Immigration Reform (PFIR). PFIR -- which despite its name pushes an anti-immigrant agenda -- has ties to Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR), an extremist group run by white nationalist John Tanton."
Trump's spawn tweeted propaganda by pretending to be surprised that Harris isn't African-American. What difference does it make if a slave ship ended up in a West Indian port instead of an American one? That divide and conquer nonsense by anti-black racists isn't going to work.
while it calls itself progressive, it pushes pro-Trump, anti-immigrant views
Actually, 99.99% of political groups in the History of Humanity didn't like massive immigration. But hey, let's put them all under the label 'Trump'!!!
Nice use of the nazi Principle of Simplification and Unique Enemy you made there.
This is not a so-called nation of immigrants.. This countries wealth was built on the backs of American slaves.. I know exactly who started the ADOS movement and it hasn't got a damn thing to do with Russians. The movement is centered around getting reparations for American Descendants of Slaves.. That article you posted was a bunch of garbage by someone who has no idea what they are talking about.. ADOS stands for American Descendants of Slaves.. It was coined by Yvette Carnell and Antonio Moore. Two people that you need to look into if you want to really know about ADOS.. Trump jr. is just a moron using it for his own ends. There is literally nothing right wing about Yvette Carnell. I know because I have been listening to her videos for over two years now. If you think that she is a fan of Donald Trump or the far right then you are a damn fool. I suggest you listen to some of her and tones videos on YouTube. So you really wasted your time posting all of that foolishness. Gina Yashare is British-Nigerian and she has retweeted that ADOS(Black Americans are garbage..
This countries wealth was built on the backs of American slaves
That's typical white guilt.
Most of the country's wealth was built in the North. Actually, the slavery in the South prevented the creation of a Middle Class, which damaged the development of the area. That's why the South became poorer.
Not only the wealth wasn't built on the backs of slaves. Indeed, slavery was detrimental to the growth of the country.
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First off I am not white.. Secondly, you need to read more.. Anyone that has knowledge of American history fully understands that this nations wealth was built off of the backs of the slaves.. "The Half that was Never Told" Black Labor, White Wealth, When Affirmative Action was White and several other books flesh all of this out. You can't change history because you don't agree with it.
Most Americans support immigration. The U.S. is a nation of immigrants.
Every nation in the world is a nation of immigrants. But those immigrants come from one specific ethnic group or several close ones. No nation supported massive immigration from other ethnic groups.
US as a multicultural society didn't start until late XIXth century. US as a multicultural non-European society didn't start until mid-XXth century.
Right now, US is NOT a nation. It's a country that contains several different nations.
What we could call 'White America', as a nation, it's formed by English and Germans, with some added Dutch, Irish, and Swedish elements. In a nutshell, it'a nation formed by North West Europeans, mostly protestant, mainly English and Germans. That's the nation that built US as an economical and technological country.
And then you have additional nations as Black America, Hispanic America, or Asian America, and probably additional micro-nations, like remaining Native American, Indians, or Jews.
The support for massive immigration is very different among the different nations in the country. It ranges from high support among Hispanic or Jews, for example, to very low support, among 'white Americans' (I'm talking about the nation, not the race).
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This is a really good show, which is why it got greenlit-----I don't know why you're throwing all this other baggage and bull**** on it. As a black person, I enjoyed the heck out of this show, and it's refreshing to see a show about African people that isn't stereotypical for a change, and that isn't the same old predictable white family sitcom we're seen a thousand times before.
There is no such thing as any "ADOS movement" either, which dosen't have jack to do with this show. None of the characters in the show, particularly the African ones, are perfect----they're all interesting and flawed human beings caught up in their own sometimes petty issues, which is what makes the show funny, plus the culture clashes with the American characters. That's why I like the show. Also, even though Yashere's background is Nigerian, she was born and raised in England. And where's this tweet you claimed she posted? Never heard her say anything like that---for all you know, it probably wasn't even her who posted that tweet, if it ever existed.