Reckless Driving is Fun???

What if there's an accident and someone dies? I'm afraid it's not so fun anymore. I don't mean to sound like a cranky old grandpa who spoils the fun but it seems like this movie advocates reckless driving. What do you think?


yes reckless driving is fun.... but I can't do it without my vicodin & Bud Lite!


I think the movie was making truth how teenage girls drive. Theyre crazy behind the wheel for sure!


i know right! whenever beth was driving i was like "wow" cause they didn't even try to make it look dangerous!


It also advocates skinny awkward boys getting lucky with cheerleaders.


This movie was much darker then it was advertised as and if it wasn't advertised as a broad comedy and actually tried to be a dramatic film the reckless driving wouldn't seem so out of place BECAUSE this film actually dealt with really dramatic issues.


