Hip Hop is Dead kid
There were a lot of things wrong with this movie, but one of the most glaringly stupid things was at that rich girl's party. As Dennis and Rich enter the party and walk out to the balcony, they pass by a little skinny white kid (can't weight more than 130lbs soaking wet) chatting up two good looking girls while wearing a black shirt with neon colors which reads "Hip Hop is Dead".
Now, I don't take personal offense to this shirt nor do I really care about the distinction between rap and hip-hop. The thing I have a problem with is that we're supposed to buy this kid is some cool ladies-man with his "witty" t-shirt and that he wouldn't get his ass beat if he wasn't at some rich, white party. The ironic part... the music playing during that very party scene is actually hip-hop! What a joke.