MovieChat Forums > I Love You, Beth Cooper (2009) Discussion > Nudity -a lot of fuss about nothing.

Nudity -a lot of fuss about nothing.

Americans are all in knots cause they want to see Hayden topless..... meanwhile in Europe actresses go topless at age 15 and nobody cares. It ain't a big deal and would actually be strange if they kept their tops on. What a strange nudity-phobic culture we Americans/Canadians have created.

Because God created it, the human body
can be uncovered and preserve His splendor. -Pope John Paul


Yeah, right! You know you want to see those tits!

Stay The Course,


No actually I don't care...she cute, but I know one thing...she does not have anything up top that I'd care about... I got porn and my GF for that.


Doesn't america have one of, or even the largest porn industry in the world? They are hardly prudes.


FIRST of all, without the French we would have lost the revolutionary war and without the French we wouldn't have the statue of liberty. Where did this hatred of the French come from? Oh yeah, their GOVERNMENTS surrender. I suppose you dont know about the French freedom fighters in WWII that attempted to take the country back one block at a time. But yeah, they're SOOOO bad for not 'having our backs' in an unjust war right?

SECOND just because we have the biggest porn industry, that doesnt mean we cant be prudes. Hell even priests molest little boys. We're closet freaks, as if sexuality were something to be afraid of, but we promote violence like mad. A titty pops out at the Superbowl and we lose our minds, but during that same Superbowl we're showing kids beer commercials and wonder why they all want to drink underage. Id rather my kid see a titty than see a dude get his head cut off in a movie (not that that's bad, as fictional violence does NOT lead to actual violence, Id just prefer one to the other).

The short one's gawking at me and the tall one's being very droll.


Everybody likes to call us prudes, but we're actually very free about our sexuality. There are those who whine about it, and they are very vocal about it.

Now the UK, meh, I got nothing on them. But compare us to Japan or Australia. Japan, despite common misconception, is censored as hell. Even their porn is censored. And Australia is so censored they're practically a parody of themselves. If anybody should be mocked for their prude censorship, it's Australia, not America.

Also, would a prude country have elected guys named Bush and Dick? (for you stupid people, this is a joke)



you understand nothing about australias censorship

video games are refused classification if they go over 18+ yes

but on our free to air TV we have full nudity, no restricted language at all

unlike americas free to air which from what ive been told has no of these as so to not offend people (where as a paid service if you flicked to porn thats your fault)

Australias censorship has little to do with any of the reasons mentioned in this thread

the ironic thing is no one in australia wants it yet for some reason its the one and only thing that both the political parties agree on so it cant really by stopped

but then there govt there so incompetent there projects are normally 2 yrs late and dont work so even if they censor us they wont


I live in the USA and I think the whole nudity thing is absurd. Little kids see tits for the first year of their lives (that is if theyre breast fed) and every person in the world sees themselves naked every day, so why is it such a big freaking deal? The whole thing with JT and Janet Jackson was blown way out of proportion even though if you go back and look at it you barely see anything anyway!

What I dont understand is its ok for a little kid to see someones head get violently severed or exploded on tv but yet if someone is topless its a cardinal sin and they act like it will ruin the child forever. I remember seeing a survey on what parents find most offensive in video games and here were the choices: a violently severed head, gratuitous use of the "F Word", a man and a woman having sex and finally, two men kissing. Guess what the winner was: two men kissing, followed by a man and a woman having sex.

I just think the FCC has their heads wayyyy too far up their own asses that they dont know whats "wrong" and whats "right". It continues to boggle my mind that you can say "Ass" on tv and you can say "hole" on tv, but if you put them togther they bleep the "hole" part!

Another fine example: I was watching "knocked up" on tv a few weeks ago and the scene where theres an earthquake and everyone runs outside, the chick is standing there naked and when Katherine Heigl shakes hands with her she takes her hand off her tit and 90% of it is exposed yet they only blur her nipple out! Just freaking show everything already! It's all or none!

Myself, I would love to see more (hot) naked people on TV. IMO thats one of the reasons why people are so messed up in this country and there are so many sex related crimes. People become obsessed with nudity since everybody makes a big stink about it and you dont see it alot so people take matters into their own hands. If nudity were a more public thing it wouldnt be such a big deal.


WHOA! As a Canadian, I take great offence to you comparing me to Americans, especially on issues where Canadians clearly differ from Americans (ie. nudity). You can help change the world.


tune into CBC buddy, we Canadians don't censor movies ... heck even "The Tudors" plays on CBC (available everywhere in Canada without a cable subscription) and that show has quite a bit of ass.

In Quebec, most movies have nudity and foul language and are considered "normal"

in the States, a D-list actress showing the top of her butt crack is on the front page of CNN ?


tell me something I don't know You can help change the world.



Well, you could see them from the side and they didn't look spectacular or I think the mystery is over.


Everytime there is nudity someone has to bash America. Here is the thing, our government doesn't allow mainstream nudity. Our country was built by prudes. So yes, seeing tits is awesome!!! Female nudity is awesome so if we get excited about it great that means we are not gay or french.


My view is this, why censor only certain thing this country & not everything that should be deemed offensive by younger viewers. Condom Commercials, you don't think kids are questioning their parents everytime they see the Trojan Man pop on the screen or Viagra or Extenze. I mean C'Mon, get real America. But oh no, the FCC has to step in, indesency is unamerican. BullSh**. We should be allowed to watch what we want, when we want. You don't like cuz your kids might get offended, well hell, they gotta learn about it sooner or later why not start now (especially with all the Cialis/Viagra/Extenze, Trojan Commercials).


F'ck sake, Europe is not that united with same laws and cultures. Many countries, and really different from eachother; language, culture, behaviour, everything.

Everybody learn that.


"meanwhile in Europe actresses go topless at age 15"

Can you recommend some movies that show topless European 15-year-olds with bodies comparable to Hayden?



From the top of the hat: If I remember correctly Finnish actress Elena Leeve has been nude several times for instant in Cyclomania ( and Aita ( (While being 18 years old - so not a 15 year old). I am sure there might be others, but I haven't seen them. And I have no idea if she's comparable to Hayden Panetiere, but I think she's quite pretty (and if not 15 years old, might just pass as one - her charater was 16 in Aita and around the same age in Cyclomania.)

That is what came to my mind just now, but I've actually do research I could remember others. The European (especially Scandinavian, Finnish or French) view on nakedness is very different from what it seems to be in USA.

From perhaps more well known actresses Milla Jovovich was naked (or at least topless) in Return to the Blue Lagoon ( She was 15 at the time of filming. Jovovich was born in Soviet Union what is now known as Ukraine (so she'll definitely count as European -- Is she comparable to Hayden Panettiere? I have no idea.)

Also - I am not sure if everyone can see these clips, but the Finnish Broadcasting Company (YLE) has some clips of Aita in it's Elävä arkisto archive. These also include some where Elena Leeve is naked. Here is a link to YLE's archive: 2
(It might be that the clips are not viewable outside Finland - I have no idea.)


Literally nothing - if you aint seen nipple, then you aint seen boob...

Love United. Hate Glazers.

