Just look at the credits for the film. There are a LOT of people in the cast and crew. These people generally like to be paid. And as to special effects... Didn't I see a car drive through a living room at one point? That can't be cheap.
As to intentionally losing money on a film. Studios don't usually do that. They do sometimes make movies that are risky in hopes of nurturing talent, covering fixed costs, better positioning their studio image, possibly striking gold... any number of reasons. At only 18 Million for a teen targeted rom-com, this film wasn't that big a risk. It's already grossed more than 14 Million and more may follow.
Great point, V. I know it was supposed to take place in Washington, so I checked but it was indeed filmed in Vancouver (aka Hollywood - North), which is much cheaper. In fact, most of the movie takes place in very minimal scenes with a small group of actors and in public places (schools, closed city streets) at night. The only two exceptions are the graduation scene and the big party, but you can't tell me most of those people were not extras. Also, in regards to the destruction, there is no way they racked up millions of dollars in damages.. a few hundred grand maybe.
The only thing I can think is that Chris Columbus (the director) took a huge sum for this movie. Either that or someone pocketed a nice chunk of changes in making this.
Maybe Dennis' nose actually poked someone's eye out and he sued? The cost of this film is truly baffling.
Locations cost money, they needed to close streets, that liquor store, the school, find/build and book that cabin. Get that hummer which is a few million dollars, get permission to use the military for that one character. Pay for insurance and stunt people. Pay off actors and crew then gain permission for all of the movie references.
And there's actually nothing funny or different or witty about this movie, in other words, the idiots who cooked it up and actually produced and directed it were just that, idiots who could probably blow all that money and produced complete total garbage. The few minutes of bit and pieces I've randomly watched on cable made me hope the ugly unfunny main character just died, but still didn't make me want to watch more of this movie. This movie was completely worthless.
I know that this thread hasn't had anything in a while but I am going to go ahead and write something. I just watched this the other day for the first time. I graduated high school in 2009 and remember when this movie was coming out. I did enjoy it by the way lol. It was being advertised to the class of 2009 and I remember wanting to see it then. But to try and answer the question. They probably spent alot of money advertising this. I remember a lot of advertisement for this, and a movie like this usually doesn't get that kind of advertisement. So a good portion of that 18mil was prob to advertisment.