Dennis's Nose

His nose was so distracting. I mean, I've seen big noses, but this one was so pointy and big and discusting. it reely took away from the movie. i dont wanna sound dumb or anything, but did anyone else notice?



yes yes and YES! totally agree.I still liked the movie, but every time he turned his head to the side i said out loud in the theater "DAMN WHAT A BIG NOSE!"


People who talk out loud in theatres are Douchebags 4 Life


well guess what. me & my firends were alone in the theater so how bout you shut up =)


I totally agree! This movie was great, except for the nose.


Yes, i agree as well. His nose is the size of a small Country. Absolutely, appalling movie as well.


I loved it when that Big Jock just tagged him right in the Nose!!!


Your message does not make you sound dumb but your spelling does. It's Disgusting not Discusting!



"Jewish Geek lusts for blonde shiksa movie"

lol so this wasn't the first?


When he went to kiss her his nose had a 3 minute head start. I was telling myself i hope he doesn't poke her in her eye

"The last man that told me to sit down was your mother"

"Death to the opposition"


When the two tampoos appear in the car, i wondered if they were actually long tampons, but seeing them in the same frame as his nose made them look like bullet tampons.


I like his nose. I guess everyone likes different things. And yes, you sound dumb.
