Hollywood should just pack up their bags and call it a night.

because this movie kicked serious ass. The acting was really good, it built up character's, it made you feel sympathy for a convict. It just rules. I hope everybody gets a chance to see this wonderful throwback to the 80's creature film.

Some things were a bit off but thats okay. Not everything could be perfect. I don't know any perfect films.

But please do yourself a favor and watch this. You won't be let down. I am going to tell everybody I know to see this kick ass film.


here here!

This would be a nice introductory movie to independent horror. If you know anyone who likes horror, but has only seen the big hollywood productions, this would be a good film to welcome them over to the dark side with.


Sad that we live in a day where low budget festival films, and straight to video films are 10 times better than what hollywood is putting out>


This movie did rock....not becauss it was totally original...a spreading virus of sorts, but how it was put together. It was high in suspense and terror. I give it a great recommendation.

It leaves you wishing it wasn't over.

I hope for a part 2. Hopefully the same survivers come back to overcome a larger spreading of the "splinters" since they know how to fool it but on a bigger budget , which it deserves.

They did a great job on the fx.

It's an edge of the seat thriller/horror film that left you wanting more, which I can't say for the hollywood PG-13 slashers where every character is a waste with no personality.

It also gave you sympathy for the character you hated in the beginning which isn't always that easy to accomplish.

With a bigger budget I'd like to see what else these crazy creatures can evolve into and I wouldn't mind knowing the origin of the species.

It had some Jaw dropping moments.


It had some Jaw dropping moments.

True. It is a rare movie that gets me to yelp and jump in my seat (I'm not really a screamer). I wonder what my neighbors thought?

But I think the smaller budget worked for this film. I found the shadowy way of showing the thing left more to the imagination, and that is scarier than seeing a complex creature in all it's glory. Big budget effects can be more about "look what we can do" than about mood.

But I had one plot point that I didn't understand. Anybody have an answer (other than suspension of disbelief)?:


If they were safe in the cooler, and they had all that food, why didn't they just sit tight and wait for help? Plus if they were safe so long as their body temperature was lower than the ambient temperature, why not wait until the heat of daytime to leave the gas station?


I am watching home movie next.... I worked on a script for a mutation movie, its like cloverfield but with out the shaky camera.... And it should be sick. Just gotta get it out there and get made...I want it to be made by hollywood but I have a feeling they will fuc* it up like they do with everything else. But I don't know if indie movie makers will be able to pull it off because of all the destruction and mutations I have happening in it. But I will see.


It probably would absorb/attack/be attracted to the help, just as it did the police officer.


Sad that we live in a day where low budget festival films, and straight to video films are 10 times better than what hollywood is putting out>

I agree.

You've fallen in love with all the things in life that destroy men!


Thank you to everyone who replied to this because this was the *beep* best horror movie. Oh my god. I hate hearing people whine about how "gay" Seth was, or why Polly was with him! These characters were some of the smartest people to ever grace a horror film; it was the little things they did that were really cool. Like when Polly blocked up the hole where the arm came in, and just how cooperative everyone was! They found out the thing kills people and just banded together without a second thought.

Agh, so good!! I'm not saying the movie is perfect or whatever, but seriously, it was pretty freaking close.


Maybe you and this movie should get a room. This movie was decent but nothing special.


The movie wasn't anything mind blowing, but it was nice to see characters in a horror movie using a little (for the most part) common sense. One of the better written horror movies to appear in a while.

Because sponges never have bad days.


I agree - this movie rocked. The only thing I didn't care for was the ending. I guess the whole "burn it" thing seemed a little cliche as that is how they kill every monster in every movie.

Still, it was very well done. I liked the's randomness...and simplistic way of killing. The effects and sound were great. It goes to show that with good script, idea, don't need a huge budget to make a great flick.

You'd think though that with the rapid way of spreading the splinter "virus"...this thing would be all over the place in a matter of days!



I just finished watching this movie and I absolutely love it! It's such a nice change from all the usual horror crap coming out of Hollywood. The only thing that got on my nerves was the boyfriend and some of the stupid things he did, but it was still a great movie.


Been waiting for this movie to come back on Syfy, was only giving it half my attention first time I caught it and it sucked up the rest of my attention... "woah, what am I watching? That's pretty neat!"

The splinter-zombies are really impressive to me. Its like they have bone-itis. Great concept and I think it was carried out really well, probably because they used animatronics rather than CGI (somebody else here noted that). The effect - a little stiff, a little mechanical - was just right, especially filmed the way they were! That effect is really way above par for these kinds of movies.

It would be neat to see a sequel explain where these splinter things come from and expand on the parasite a little bit. Another trapped-with-splinters-outside would be a waste of time. How many movies has Syfy done with coed trapped in a cabin in the woods? Too darned many. Don't do it!


Piping in here just to bump the fact that I also found this film freaking amazing.
Great old creature effects, rare creepiness and a definite nod, not rip-off of "The Thing" which is also one of my favorite movies.
Loved this film!


Come On people , the OP isnt saying its oscar worthy , what he is saying is that for a low bu horror movie this is awesome and i have to agree with him.


What I loved about the movie was that even though it was a deadly parasite type of horror, it wasn't corny at all. And the thing actually makes my stomach turn, I found it pretty revolting. It was good, all in all.


I liked this movie, it's rare for me to like a horror movie because of how stupid and predictable they are. Is there any other decent horror movies made in the last decade or two? I've watched some so-called classics and was less than impressed, therefore looking for newer horrors.


Wow! A thread on the IMDB that has multiple posters and a consensus I agree with! To add to the chorus, I also enjoyed Splinter muchly! Watched it last night (at time of writing) and was engrossed by it.

I'm going to buy it.



So true, it's nice to see fans getting to say how they feel and not have anyone jump on them and call them names for voicing an opinion. I really appreciate all your positive comments. It's fantastic to hear so many people are enjoying the film even now, years after it was released in theaters.

Thanks for supporting indie horror!


I thought this movie was absolutely horrible! And the convinct was not sympathetic.


I loved this movie so much I bought the DVD. I think the acting was great. Love the final 3 actors. Loved the story.

Bring on Splinter 2! LOL
