MovieChat Forums > Splinter (2009) Discussion > I'm never the one to pick on bad script,...

I'm never the one to pick on bad script, but this is just way too stupid

Come on, NOBODY is that nerdy, there are two friggin spiky things trying to kill them and he still get up close it and give all that "metabolize on a cellular level" speech. I'm a biologist and if that was me the first thing I'd do is to smash it into meat jam.

And cool body temperature so it can't see him? How about tie some friggin ice around yourself with all the t-shirt and stuff in there, so no body heat is radiated instead of trying to freeze yourself to death? Or drive the car to the door and escape? Or take both guns instead of one?

Some movie stupidities are fun, but this movie is just plain stupid.


I'm not sure, but i'm thinking if you did cover yourself in bags of ice cubes, it would still be able to detect you. Think of something like how the Predator would see. Any bit of you that isn't covered in ice, it would see as a heat/life source, and attack.
The only way I could really see this if they had a huge sheet of ice he could somehow (without his fingers going over the sides) carry pointed in the direction of the thing.

As for driving the car to the door, that was their plan, but when he got to the car, the keys weren't there. Then you see him fumbling with the radio that's not working, so he goes for the shotgun.

Anyway, just my 2 cents. I thought it was a pretty good flick!


Yes, but these things do not see like predator, but they sense higher than environmental temperature, and ice around you would cool any radiated heat so they cannot sense it.

I guess it's just the impossibly nerdy part ruined it for me.



If you are going to talk about Predator... all Arnold did to hide from it is smear cool (tropical temperature *cool*) mud on himself. So I would say Splinter was a stronger attempt than the mud bath.

All in all, who watches a horror movie & then tries to apply realistic thinking to it?

If this movie was realistic, they would have been arguing at the campsite, not being cutesy. They would have passed the drugged out woman on the side of the road, fought over stupid stuff half the trip to the hotel & he would have ended up sleeping on the floor watching Blue Nuit. Fade to awkward continental breakfast.

"Sometimes dead is better..."


The creature did attack... But the other two people were setting off decoys in the back keeping the creature 'busy' with a much larger heat source... Remember, it wasn't a 'smart' creature, just a persistent one...

And you mentioned predator, the predator used thermo imaging... The creature couldn't 'see', it just probably detected heat sources (like closing your eyes and trying to feel the air around you) and his body temperature was lower than the outside temperature masking him when he exited the building...

Far as the nerdy part, I have a friend that is exactly like this guy... Can't change a tire if he needed to... He tells me "That's what AAA is for!"

Original poster said he would have stepped on the hand... Well, in this movie, that is EXACTLY what you should NOT do as the barbs were extremely strong and sharp, even to poke tires and pierce a radiator... So I guess being dumb vs. nerdy would have ended up killing you early on instead of appying some understanding to what you were facing...


The original poster did NOT say he would STEP on the hand. He said he would SMASH it. There are plenty of other things to smash something with besides your foot.


I'm a biologist and if that was me the first thing I'd do is to smash it into meat jam.
So you expect characters in fictions to act as you think you'd act?
And cool body temperature so it can't see him? How about tie some friggin ice around yourself with all the t-shirt and stuff in there, so no body heat is radiated instead of trying to freeze yourself to death?
The obvious answer was that he wanted to be as cold as possible.
Or drive the car to the door and escape? Or take both guns instead of one?
The keys weren't in the car.


I wish audiences would finally realize that fear very effectively stops people from thinking rationally. Unless you've been in a life and death situation yourself you should stop armchair-analyzing character mistakes and not dismiss them as the result of a stupid script.

~No matter where you go, there you are~


Thank you!
Plus it was boring and badly filmed!

...just sayin'...
