No tension whatsoever, and the acting sucked. I cannot believe there are people saying the acting was good.
You don't watch whole lot of horror movies, don't you?
I don't agree that it's a "bad movie" it just isn't a very good one. There are a lot of problems in this movie. The characters were very weak, the monster design was borderline comical, the rationale and logic was at times perplexing. I just don't get a 6 score...somewhere around 4 or 5 would be more accurate in my opinion. It's a mix between The Thing and The Mist but no where close to the originality nor dread of either.
No, it was fairly entertaining. Creature design was good for what story needed. Characters weren't super-deep, but this is a horror movie, not drama. They don't need to be too deep, they just need to be not cannon fodder and "your old friends" (the nerdy guy, the jock, cheerleader, big dumb guy, funny (aka annoying as sh*t) fat guy, you name it).
Rationale and logic... Well who cares? You cannot just apply real life logic to movies, especially horror movies who in most cases deal with irrational or impossible situations. You're pretty sure you KNOW how you would act if you were suddenly attacked by giant alien grasshopper (f it, that's what that thing reminded me off). I am pretty sure you will be 100% rational right? Wouldn't we all? ;)
My complains are usually how well horror movie does fulfill it's promise. It had everything creature needs to have. Yeah, some dialogue was kinda cheap, and they could have shown more of the monster, but I am quite grateful that this was made in 2008, and not 2015. If it was made in 2015, everything would be overexplained and there would be nothing left to imagine. If it was made around 2010 to 2015, you can bet there would be 15-20 minutes long scene of characters explaining what the creature was and why it's doing what it does, followed by another 15 minute scene of "character development" that would just kill the pace. Here, you just get what you need to know from both creature and characters. Fairly refreshing.