The cop *SPOILER*
First I want to say, I LOVE this movie. This movie just goes to show us that you don't need a big budget, famous faces, and a ton of CGI to make a great horror movie. Hollyweird (Hollywood) could learn A LOT from this movie.
The only thing that bugged me was the cop. I know why the cop was killed. She was TOO STUPID TO LIVE. How much of a moron do you have to be to NOT listen to the people in the store telling you there is something outside and she needs to get back in her car?
Seriously, did she NOT see the blood covering the windows out there? There was blood all over the place! I was glad she got nailed because she was an idiot from start to finish.
Other than that little thing, I loved this movie. I only wish Hollywood would take the hint and go back to the good old days. The days before these big producers and directors depended on CGI to make their movies. Sometimes less is more, and Splinter proves that in a bunch of different ways.