MovieChat Forums > Lightyear (2022) Discussion > My censored IMDB review

My censored IMDB review

IMDB is overrun with censorship. I'm posting my rejected review below. There's nothing offensive or wrong with my review, but IMDB don't like it when reviewers mention DEI political messaging in movies.


While the animation looks okay, the magic of Pixar has diminished from previous years. We are now seeing bland stories, safe inclusive narratives, box-ticking stories written and meddled with from the outside.

The problem with forcing DEI politics into animated movie stories is it's not subtle. When subtlety is lost, it negatively impacts the overall art. The usually admiral qualities of original art are pushed to the side because someone in the office insists that certain social messaging should be front and centre. So the story becomes a kind of lecture primarily, with a sci-fi story added as afterthought.

It seems like movie studios are oversensitive about such things, and compromise their own art in an attempt to appease certain activist groups or political interests that come from the animation studios or other places. This shouldn't be the case. Art should be pure art, not contaminated by politics.


Wait.... what in your review got it shadow realmed? You didn't say anything that I can even spot that would warrant the ESG-compliant censors to want to scuttle your review.

Did they tell you why your review was rejected?


"Reason: Other
Your contribution has been declined.We did not capture a specific reason during processing."

We all know the reason. It's because I criticised DEI messaging.

Take a movie like Monsters Inc. There's no obvious politics in there. The most you could find is the value of happy kids over scared kids. There's no ridiculous side-hustle plots about gay couples, and there's no self-conscious balance of skin colour representation. Pixar should stick with universal values relatable to everyone, like those found in Monsters Inc, not the divisive identity politics of trumped up grievances around sexuality and race.


Oh I totally agree.

But yeah, I guess you can't criticise DIE messaging anymore. I'm sure they will extend that to ESG criticisms, too.


An anonymous source just sent Disney's "inclusion standards" document to Elon Musk, according to his post on X.

This is the kind of thing I'm talking about. All those mandates and rules permeate the fabric of creativity and expression. You can write a good story at Disney, provided it goes through the inclusion sausage machine.

Box-ticking creative dictators, weirdos acting like members of some sick socialist brainwashing cult.


Wow.... that's actually even worse than I thought.

I really wish people would completely abandon all-things Disney for good.




IMDB has disgraced itself endlessly since '17. The entire fucking site deserves to die, faster than The CIA and most forms of federal law enforcement combined
