MovieChat Forums > Poltergeist (2015) Discussion > Did ANYONE live in that friggin' neighbo...

Did ANYONE live in that friggin' neighborhood?????

Seriously, there were fireworks and loud noises coming from that house and NO ONE in the neighborhood care to see what was going on or call the police? The house had to explode for that to happen??? Jesus

English is not my primary language, but at least I speak more than you.


Lol my dad lived in a condo like that when I was a kid. One wrong move or your TV was too loud and they would call the condo association On you


Right? Or the fact that so many people, alone, screamed their heads off in separate rooms but people inside the house didn't hear?


I laughed at this too because you see the neighbors start to gather as the camera pans out at the end.Maybe just maybe I could suspend disbelief if it was all contained within the house but it was like Normandy in & around that house for what days weeks & not once did someone say boo!Pun intended.



The funny part is that the camera while they are in the car escaping, shows the houses around them have lights (so people living there) on but not a single soul opens a window, moves the curtain or opens the door to look outside while the house explodes.

Then at the cross section you see few people gather up with firetruck approaching. So the people at that end learned of explosion before it happened and called the authorities? Nice.
