Suffering & Transcendence
The worst and most pointless movie I've ever seen about the transformative power of suffering and self-transcendence to divine states of being. Straight up, the only people who will enjoy this film are sadist gorehounds and hyper-intellectuals disconnected from their heart. I've read some of the reviews on the comment board and I'm dumbfounded how people justify this movie with elaborate, extensive intellectualizations on the existential merit of this film. You really have to dig deep into the recesses of your imagination to confabulate some story to somehow makes this movie meaningful to you. The overall message is very basic, yet, the way it's conveyed to the viewer is over-the-top and exaggerated to a sickeningly gratuitous extent.
'Martyrs' was unnecessary. Period. That's the best way I can describe it. To dress it up as some profound movie is to admit your naivete about life. Even Serbian Film had more of a message than this piece of garbage and that's saying something.