Snorky song.

One episode tells the story of Snorky, child of a Tyrannosaurs rex and a brontosaurus, an episode without any regular characters. It is "There's No Such Thing As A Sea Serpent", June 30, 1962.

And for 60 years I have had trouble with the song about Snorky. When his name was spelled out in the song, it never sounded like the correct spelling. The name is seen spelled "S N O R K Y" at least twice in the cartoon, so there shouldn't be any doubt about its spelling.

I saw it again today, early in the morning of April 26, 2023. And it still sounded wrong. Instead of "S N O R K Y" it sounded like "S and the O R K Y". Actually it sounded more like "The S and the O R E K Y" or "Big S and the G O R E K Y".

And then I thought maybe I misheard the letter "N" as "and the". So maybe the singers actually sang "S N O R K Y" but pounced "N" too much like "and" and I heard it wrong. That makes more sense than the singers deliberately skipping the letter "N" from Snorky's name. And maybe some strange pronunciation made sound like there was an "E: between the "R" and the "K".

I tried watching the cartoon with the close captioning on but that made a lot of obvious mistakes and wasn't any use.
