Can't bring myself to watch it...
I've really wanted to watch this movie for a long time, but I'm always reading about how sad it is. I just can't bring myself to do it. I am an avid animal lover, and I work in animal rescue. I see heartbreaking things in regards to animals on pretty much a daily basis. The kind of stuff that really stays with you. After a while, it wears a person down emotionally, but I still do it because of the many rewards that go along with it, too. If any of you reading this work in animal rescue, you likely know what I'm talking about. Anyway, after seeing just so many things that break my heart all the time, I can't seem to watch this movie that I know will do the same. I usually pick movies of an unrelated topic as a way to just escape from life for a while. Still, I always have a strong urge to watch it. Maybe someday...