MovieChat Forums > Hachi: A Dog's Tale (2010) Discussion > How could Rotten Tomatoes give this 62%?

How could Rotten Tomatoes give this 62%?

Pathetic. What the hell is wrong with people? I understand this may not be a great hollywood blockbuster, nor even a top 250... but to give it a thumbs down instead of a thumbs up...

This is exactly why I don't cry over many films with deaths of humans.


Rotten Tomatoes appeals to the heartless.

"Joey, have you ever been in a Turkish prison?"


That's a pretty accurate description hodie, well said.
I never found Rotten Tomatoes to be anything much but mean-spirited.

"I'd say this cloud is Cumulo Nimbus."
"Didn't he discover America?"
"Penfold, shush."



It is a mere reflection of the irrelevance of the movie ratings posted by Rotten Tomatoes (and IMBd) since the idiots, the ignorant, and the brain dead took control of these sites.

I no longer rely on these sites for the ratings of any movie I wish to see. I always keep in mind that these rating sites are used frequently to push idiot, ignorant, and troll agendas. Often real stinkers are given very high (and undeserved) movie ratings while these same sh*tforbrainspeckerheads thrash some real gems of cinematography. About half of the top 250 movies listed by both sites do not deserve to be there. Unfortunately, many of these 'cinematic geniuses' believe that if a movie does not have continuous, non-stop action with lots of explosions and bang, bang, shoot 'em up scenes with copious amounts of gore and gratuitous sex, then the movie is worthless. To them, all movie plots must be written to meet the attention span of a tse-tse fly. Real gems of cinematography or a thinking person's movies are usually thrashed and given low ratings by these dregs of society. Pity.

I was born when she kissed me, I died when she left me, I lived while she loved me.


Rotten tomatoes didn't give the movie any rating; aside from the audience reviews it's an amalgamation of major movie critics ratings (from NYTimes, etc). And the movie got 62% because it's incredibly bland, and moves at a glacial pace. If you have a thing for dogs, you'll probably like this movie, but it stands out for no other reason. It's just a classic sob-story all over again.


"And the movie got 62% because it's incredibly bland, and moves at a glacial pace. If you have a thing for dogs, you'll probably like this movie, but it stands out for no other reason. It's just a classic sob-story all over again."



It really isn't that great a movie, it's just extremely moving a beautiful.
