The problem with sad endings
is that they always leave us with an unnecessarily lingering memory that is even less realistic that the usual Hollywood happy endings.
It may be that I am too much of a sentimentalist but I hated the way my emotions were played with by this movie. It is bad enough with a happy ending but with a sad ending like this, I ended up resenting the makers even more.
The irony is that by sticking closer to the original, the film makers have managed to make it ever more unrealistic within the context of the 21st century.
I mean can anyone accept that in 2009 in the US once Hachi was recognized by the local papers his fame wouldn't have exploded in media? At which time I am sure there would have been individuals and organization who would have tried to alleviate the poor creature's suffering by sponsoring all sorts of therapies and/or antidepressants for him.