MovieChat Forums > Land (2021) Discussion > Beautiful movie ... 10/10

Beautiful movie ... 10/10

I just watched it.
Over two days.
I am glad I got the time to watch a little,
think about it,
dispel any little quibbles about music or scenes,
because it was really good.
The trailer tells you what it is so no point in me going on.
Really well done, mostly the story, and of course nature,
the land.


That is the kind of bad free verse beatniks used to recite, and they thought it was deep, daddy-o.


Yours is the kind of moronic, content-free, pure nonsense, post Republicans are known for since around the time of Newt Gingrich forward, and have only gotten worse since.


it was indeed


I loved this movie! It started out a little slow, but as it went a long it got better. Loved the ending when she visited her friend and what they said to each other...very moving. Had to grab a kleenex for that part!


Did she move back to the city, or just visit?
I loved the movie and the story, but I don't think they did a very good job to depicting someone trying to live off the grid. That tiny garden she had would not support a person for a week. And that cabin would be wicked cold. I've live there if I could get good internet! Then I could tell if the aliens landed! ;-)


I think she stayed at her cabin. She was happy there once she was able to fend for herself.


It was okay. I liked Leaving Normal or Ruby in Paradise better. Or Paris Texas. All are superb splice of life films about just surviving. But all are old movies.

But It’s refreshening in this time and age to see a film like Land get released.
