MovieChat Forums > Gemini Man (2019) Discussion > Fun movie. Would have liked more MEW tho...

Fun movie. Would have liked more MEW though.

The tragedy of life.

Every movie without MEW could have done with MEW and every movie with MEW could have done with more MEW. You can never get enough MEW.

Maybe a sequel should be made called Gemini Woman with multiple MEWs running about the place. De-aged young MEW vs Milf MEW.


Maybe a sequel should be made called Gemini Woman with multiple MEWs running about the place. De-aged young MEW vs Milf MEW.

Hollywood needs to hire me!


I agree. It seemed to get dismissed as a subpar flop but I thought it was a solid flick. It felt like a classic 90s style action thriller. Will Smith & Winstead were both good in it. The only thing that was sketchy was the de-aging cgi in some scenes.


Yeah I liked it quite a lot.

Seems like one of those movies that if it came out in say 2005 or something would have been well received and a hit.

Came out too late (Will Smiths star power was on it's last legs) and got shit on too much for no good reason.
