MovieChat Forums > Argo (2012) Discussion > Finally watched Affleck's first 3 films....

Finally watched Affleck's first 3 films. Only this one was good.

The Town's characters didn't make sense, while Gone Baby Gone was too convoluted. Argo's his only decent film.


I swear to god, I'm not stalking. I literally just got done with watching this for a second time - the first since in the cinema, and I gotta disagree with you on that, respectively. I feel like this was his weakest film and not just because it was too Oscar-baity-ProHollywood-like material and a criminally propaganda flick at best as well. I still give it an 8/10 but as far as I'm concerned, Gone Baby Gone will always be his Magnum Opus. Heat II: The Town was a really good movie. I believe I even gave that a 9/10 (big Renner fan over here) but I dunno. To me, it appears to me like his films have been slowly declining throughout over the years. I know Gone Baby Gone is actually part of a series of a trilogy of books with the same characters, though, different stories and plot themes but what the hell, why not go and venture on off back to your original roots. The roots that made your first film ever so freaking groundbreaking if only because it was made by the same guy who starred in Gigli. GIGLI. Which, for the record, is a movie that I really do like....admittedly.

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lol, funny to find you here.

While I wasn't wowed by Argo (I won't come back for a 2nd viewing), it is easily Affleck's best movie. The direction of the first two films wasn't the problem, though, it was the scripts, which he had screenplay credits if I'm not mistaken (hence he still gets the blame). There were a few good performances in each of his films, but the implausibility of the stories/characters of both films just took the thrill out of 'em. Both started out nicely, but both pretty much screwed up towards the latter parts. And mind you, I watched The Town's extended version, which was supposed to cover the original's weaknesses (but still didn't). I guess The Town could've been decent with a few tweaks in the writing of the characters, but Gone Baby Gone's premise is problematic from the get-go.


Hey, now what was wrong with the premise of GBG?

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Well, the plot pretty much spells it out (which is too convoluted to type). Basically, they went through all that trouble, endangering a lot of people and killing 3 in the process, just to "kidnap" the kid. It just didn't feel organic; I think they didn't put in enough character work as well.


That's exactly how I felt about the book. The movie had a nicer pace to it, but like duh, right? I mean, it's an adaptation. Sigh. I guess. But you know, Argo was full of shït, though. You seem so smart too so why the hell do you fall for Hollyweird's political agenda like this? Disgusting.

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I really don't care much about Hollywood's political agenda, whether the facts are that accurate or whatnot. All that matters is for me is a film that somehow makes sense and is entertaining to an extent, and that's how I found Argo (although I haven't seen it since its release, I'd like to think that I'm now a more discerning viewer). It may have its historical inaccuracies, but it was still a decent to good film.


Kind of a related question, did you like 12 Years a Slave?

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It was ok at best, there were better films that deserved the Oscar that year. It won, though, for other reasons and not because it was the cream of the crop.


I couldn't agree more with you if I tried. I didn't like how over-the-top it was in its brutality and cruelty -- and that's coming from a Django fanboy. It was practically bashing me in over the head with a baseball bat with it's UNSUBTLE and never ending theme: That this is what white people did to black people back in the slavery times. Whatever. Norton said it twice in like two completely different and unrelated movies, "Slavery ended one-hundred-thirty-seven years ago....move the fück on!" You gotta love it.

But I digress.

I hope that The Wolf of Wolf Wall Street and Snowpiercer (I know it wasn't nominated but who cares?) are some of the better films that you were possibly thinking of as you were typing that up. But hey, if you also liked Her, Gravity, Before Midnight or Prisoners and Don Jon all the same or more, then you're in good company.

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Wolf of Wall Street was by far my favorite movie that year haha. It was some of the best comedy I've seen in a while.

Snowpiercer was entertaining, although I had a few issues with it. Her was ok, Gravity sucked and is waaay overrated (like Avatar levels), and I still haven't seen the last three.


I liked Gravity. I didn't like Interstellar. But I absolutely loathe Crapatar - even the f'ing mentioning of the f'ing name itself gets my water boiling. And then if that wasn't enough, we get not one, not two, not even three but FOUR AVATAR MOVIES IN F'IN TOTAL NOW!? And just in this decade alone, I think. Why can't he just make another hard R-rated Terminator movie? I really can't wait for Armageddon to arrive and have it just wipe us all out. Just like that. Boom. We have it coming to us and I partially blame Jim Cameron for it. It'll be exactly like how it went down in Judgment Day.

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