It is a Movie

It so frustrates me how angry people are anyway responding to remarks with such viciousness but I just need to say this, not only with this movie but with any other... It is a movies "based" off of a true story. They are going to add shiz and take out shiz. But in hindsight it was very well made and a good movie.





I've seen televised speeches and debates in the British Parliament. You're not much better. I will confess, however, that civilized and reasoned debate has become a lost art in the US and other countries. At least in the US and the UK they usually don't deteriorate into physical fights like I've seen in Asia and Eastern Europe.





Here are some movies that are "based on true stories" you can go set people straight since you seem so offended by the idea:

The Texas Chainsaw Massacre
Good Morning, Vietnam
The Hurricane
Cast a Giant Shadow
Mississippi Burning
Cool Runnings
Heavenly Creatures
Operation Dumbo Drop
Fly Away Home
The Dish
The Mothman Prophecies
The Exorcism of Emily Rose
An American Crime
Rescue Dawn
A Haunting in Connecticut
The Social Network

All of those movies change details about the facts. Why? To make it more appealing to the masses. But I don't see you on those boards. Why? What is it about THIS movie?

If I cannot smoke cigars in heaven, I shall not go!


The same as -

The Great Escape
The Last King of Scotland
The Untouchables
A Beautiful Mind
The FBI Story
The Ten Commandments
Just about every movie about Jesse James, Billy the Kid, Wyatt Earp, Buffalo Bill
Just about every movie about World War 2

I don't see 'Worse Like This' on any of these sites either constantly criticising everything.



Thunderheart, Young Guns II, The Exorcist, American Outlaws, A League of Their Own, Fire in the Sky--all take great liberties. Yet a person has to search quite hard to find anyone getting upset by them.

If I cannot smoke cigars in heaven, I shall not go!



Seriously, of the movies you just mentioned, which of those movies involves a real event where people put their lives on the line for MONTHS, coming to the point of nearly being caught (and absolutely definitely would have been killed pretty much on the spot) for a bunch of Americans that were at risk for their government's bullish foreign policies?

Which of these movies show several nations who were friendly to the US being jerks and telling them to fend for themselves in a place where they were *extremely* conspicuous, had no other friends or resources and were being hunted by an armed and enraged populace when in actual fact, they had actually offered assistance of varying types?

A League of their Own? The Exorcist? Perhaps Fire in the Sky? Give me a ripe F*%&ing break.

Which of these movies made the KEY POINT of their ENTIRE MARKETING STRATEGY the fact that it was a truthful exposition of events as they occurred?

The TAGLINE OF THE MOVIE is: "The movie was fake. The Mission was real."
Yes, it's dodgy wording and refers to the events of the movie, but that's NOT how Baffles explained it when he was on camera promoting the movie.

He absolutely, definitely was suggesting that the movie was a carefully researched and faithful depiction of events that were true.

Look at movies like Saving Private Ryan and Platoon or other wartime epics. Certainly those movies are taken *very* seriously by an awful lot of people. Why? Because they represent the actions of a group of people who put themselves in the way of bullets and bombs to protect others. This form of sacrifice is viewed very highly by humans.

You can go ahead and portray events a bit fictionalized, but if you were to actually take one of those movies and change it so American Soldiers who actually acted decently and properly and portray them as behaving badly, you might want to consider changing your name and getting plastic surgery.






Same as -
The Ten Commandments

This gave me a laugh!

Oh shanty town, we're gonna tear ya down
I got me money come out of me stockins


Hmm let's see. BASED ON is not the same as "THIS IS EXACTLY WHAT HAPPENED". So no, they weren't lying.

I just watched the film and thought it was excellent AS A MOVIE. Whether or not it accurately portrays all the events, I really don't care. As a movie, for my entertainment and enjoyment, it definitely succeeded on all fronts.

I swear some folks need to chill out from criticizing every damn thing on the screen and just enjoy some movies for a change.


If they said it was a Documentary you are correct. It would be a lie. But the fact is, a MOVIE based on the fact that a group of people were rescued from Iran using a ruse about being film makers was made. There are some other relevant details that are true but they really don't have to be true. The truth is that they could have chosen only one fact...the number of people, the fact that the Canadians took them in, the length of time they were in the Canadian Embassy...pick one. From that point on NOTHING needed to be the same. For heaven's sake...get a life! If you don't like movies that are aren't absolute nonfiction, don't go to see them.



Have you seen the bonus features on the DVD where they recorded the thoughts of President Carter and the people involved in this action? Much of what you say is disproved in their comments but you you have the right to your unhappy opinion. As a Librarian who spent years listening to people complaining that movies made from their favorite books, fiction and nonfiction, were terrible, I say again "This is a movie." It's not meant to be word for word the same and probably wouldn't be nearly as interesting if it were.



If anyone has an agenda it is you.... lol and its very boring.



Don't encourage BLT. She's just a bitch.



"No, YOU are!" I should have expected that, since that's what 99% of your arguments boil down to.

Hey, I might as well save other people the trouble.


Well at least you used the right word: they indeed added "shiz" to the story, instead of adding something of value.

But here's the deal: when you are talking about real people's lives, it is never "just" a movie. This one didn't do justice to reality, nor did it do justice to the intelligence of the viewer. I could understand a cartoon-like view of Iran if this was like a really bad comedy or a right-wing propaganda movie, but a serious movie that won the Oscar... c'mon! It seemed like all the Iran-sequences were written by a 10-year-old!

I have to admit, though, that the biggest reason why people get so angry at this piece-of-human-waste-disguised-as-a-film, is because for some uncomprehendable reason it won the best oscar award. But I suppose it is not the movie's fault it won. So, yes, the anger should rather be directed at the utterly incompetent judges who made that call rather than the badly made movie itself.



This is an average heist movie that's pretty entertaining to watch and loosely based on a true story. Just because it undeservedly won an Oscar in a slow year doesn't mean it should be hated this much.


You lost me when you used "shiz".


You know I have read about 4 books on this subject at this stage including Mendez's book and I am astonished that the writer (Mendez himself!) gave permission for such farce. I would be cringing with embarrassment and not admitting I had anything to do with this "true" movie especially the ending where an Iranian 1970's car is able to keep up with an AIRPLANE!!!!!

