Creepy David

I read about the Creepy David episode and missed it first time around. The reruns are back on Netflix and I just watched it without realizing THAT was him. I had the creeps the very first time he appeared. Then the mixer, the mini-dates, and then the actual date. My god. He really gave me the impression of, well, someone who should not be out in society. I mean, I mostly go with my gut instinct but sometimes will give someone a chance thinking he might have been nervous, bad day, whatever. But this was where it was a full on five-alarm fire. I'd be concerned for Patti Stanger legally setting a woman up with this creep.

Utterly cringeworthy and I had to look away most of the time. I couldn't imagine actually going through with a date with Creepy David. I'd never give him my number, address, or even email address.
