MovieChat Forums > The Millionaire Matchmaker (2008) Discussion > Does anyone know why Destin and his wife...

Does anyone know why Destin and his wife aren't coming back..

...they got three new people who look like bravo styled annoying and trite
wanna-be's. At least Destin and his wife were sort of "real"


I was wondering the same thing.


I was wondering as well! I loved them. As you said they were real, not plastic Bravo bots.




It was on the Wendy show that he went into making movies and Rachel is doing a jewelry line. They are all still friends though. Just not enough hours in a day to do everything.



Uggh, I already don't care for the new assistants....I MISS Destin and his wife!


I'd probably be the last one to admit it, but yeah I do kinda miss them. Although they were kinda getting cocky by the end of their departure... still liked to tune in each week just to see Rachel's stylish rockabilly/geisha-inspired outfits, lol. Now these new kids look and talk like they just came from The Hills..oy vey!

Just sayin'...


I did not always like them, I thought they kissed Patti's ass too much. But, I prefer them on the show, than the new group of assistants. I hate when the re-cycle former daters from the previous episodes. Bravo constantly does that. It seems so fake. Dustin, has been with the show from Day 1.. It made it seem, like he actually did work for Patti. It was his job. The new people, were casted by Bravo.


I miss Destin and Rachel too. They were real, down to earth and were a good countercheck when Patty got over the top.

These plastic drones are so annoying. I want to keep watching but with 3 of them hanging around it's like an American Idol trio plus Patty. Too many cooks...
